In these uncertain times.....


In these uncertain times, it is difficult to think about our church giving. Although we are unable to meet at the moment, the church still has expenses to pay. Instead of your usual contribution via the collection plate, the Leadership Team would like to encourage you to consider paying a regular amount to the church each month by Standing Order. This can be set up quite easily if you have access to online banking using the following details:

HSBC UK Limited

Payee: Windsor Methodist Church

Account number: 11179284

Sort code:40-47-37

If you are unable to do this, please consider setting aside a weekly contribution that can be given to the church at a later date. This is easy to do if you are part of our envelope scheme.


In the Southern & Islands Region of the Methodist Church

A prayerful challenge for this era of lock-down, sent to Methodists in The Southampton District, The South East District and The Channel Islands District…although all are welcome and invited to take part!

Initiated in March 2020 by a group of people, lay and ordained, from across the three districts who are already beginning the challenge!

The Challenge:

Create a fish prayer object.

Or, create a shoal!

Use your talents and whatever creative resources you have available in your home to make your fish!

You could make a fish by:

-      Knitting (pattern included with this challenge!

-       Crocheting (pattern included with this challenge!)

-       Cutting, sewing, sticking, scrap materials

-       Painting it on a stone

-       Paper Mache

-       Lego

-       Iron-on beads

-       Clay

-       Or any other creative means you can think of!

Why a fish prayer object?

The fish has long been a symbol of Christian identity, hope and salvation.

At time like these, perhaps it is good to hold on to our Christian identity, hope and salvation! Literally! With the fish we create, we can hold them in our hands and we can hold what they represent symbolically in our hearts and minds.

Why do this?

The fish could be an object for prayer during this time.

They could also be gifts for others; whether they can be gifted now, if there are others in your household, or later, when the time is ‘right’ (according to governmental health and safety instructions and advice).

If you plan to gift your fish, consider what story your fish might tell its new owner!

Your fish could be a tool for evangelism. Consider the fishy stories in the Bible, like The Miraculous Catch of Fish (Luke 5:1–11) and the Feeding of the Five Thousand (Matthew 14: 13-21).

Your church, circuit or district might, at a later date (when the time is ‘right’), request to gather in all the fish created, to be presented as a whole, to a wider audience. To reflect our prayers and hopes, while we were all being ‘alone together’ at this time; united in our identity, hope and salvation.

The fish may then be requested to be offered as gifts for the local community – to be used in a similar way as, for example, knitted angels at Christmas time.

You could document your fish making, and or the prayers that you’ve said in this time. You could record these in a notebook, in photographs, or if you’re online, you could share them with your online communities via your social media platforms. If you share them online, it’d be great if you could include the hashtag #fishingforhope2020 so your content can be easily searched for and found.

How to Knit a Fish

First find some brightly coloured yarn and a pair of knitting needles. 3mm needles are ideal, but it will work with any needles.

Starting at the tail end, cast on twelve stitches. If you want a wider tail cast on more stitches in multiples of two.

1.)  Knit in stocking stitch (1 row plain, 1 row purl). Decrease one stitch as each end of the plain rows only, until you have 6 stitches left.

2.)  Knit three rows in stocking stitch without decreasing.

3.)  If you want to change colours, now might be a good time.

4.)  Increase one stitch at each end of every plain row until you have 24 stitches on the needle.

5.)  Now decrease one stitch at each end of every plain row until 2 stitches remain. Knit these two stitches together and bind off.

You need two pieces to make a fish. Sew them together (inside out) but leave the tail end open. Now turn them right side out and stuff – how much stuffing you use depends on how fat you want your fish to be! Sew up the tail.

Feel free to add patterns or fins if you want!

How to crochet a fish

This pattern was created using a size 4 hook and double knit wool.

Change in wool and /or hook size will just make a different size fish!

The whole thing is crocheted in uk treble stitch

Ø Make a chain of 15 stitches

Ø Row 1 1 treble in third chain from hook then 1 treble in each chain to end, turn…

Ø Always begin each row by crocheting 2 chain instead of crocheting into the first hole whether increasing or decreasing as this counts as the first treble

Ø Now Decrease one treble at each end of next 3 rows by missing a stitch (ie. Make 2 chain and then crochet a treble into 3rd stitch and don’t crochet into the 2 chain from the preceding row)

Ø Increase one stitch at each end of next 6 rows by crocheting 2 stitches in one hole at either end

Ø Work 2 rows without increasing number of stitches.

Ø Decrease one stitch at each end of next 7 rows. Tie off

Ø Make a second fish, join the two together leaving one side partly open



The Old Testament passage for the week is the familiar one of the Valley of Dry Bones from Ezekiel Chapter 37, verses 1-14. Here we see that Ezekiel was a man of vision; he saw God in the dreams he experienced, and the prophet saw what was required to restore the nation of Israel back to God.

In the reading, Ezekiel feels the presence of God and is taken to a valley full of dry bones, bones which had been left out exposed. As a priest, Ezekiel would have felt horrified to have been in such a place. We know that priests, in the Bible, would have had nothing to do with dead bodies for fear of becoming ritually unclean. Here, Ezekiel is surrounded by ritually unclean bones! Would you feel the same horror if you were taken to a cellar full of rats, or in these days of the coronavirus, an underground train full of people coughing and sneezing around you?

Back to the reading. Now, the bones in Ezekiel’s vision are very old and very dry. It seems that there has been no life in them for a long while. God asks Ezekiel whether it is possible to revive the bones - whether new life is possible. What occurs next is only possible because the prophet trusts God. “So I prophesied as I had been commanded; and as I prophesied, suddenly there was a noise, a rattling, and the bones came together, bone to its bones. I looked, and there were sinews on them, and flesh had come upon them, and skin had covered them…” [Ezek. 37: 7-8]

As we look at the world, there is a sense that we feel as if we too are looking at a valley of dry bones, a world that has lost its way. Each day, the coronavirus claims more lives; inflicts more despondency. It looks as if things are getting worse. But even when human hope fails us, still we can be assured that God is still at work. It is not our job to beat our breasts and lament the state of the world. It is our role, as God’s people, to continue with the building of God’s kingdom here on earth. It is our task to remain obedient to God no matter what comes our way. The actions that Ezekiel takes in verses 7-8 help to reinstate life into the dry bones. In a similar way, the actions we take will revitalise the heart and soul of the nations.

But it is easy to say that we are not all ‘Ezekiels’. He had the gift of prophesy. Not everyone is called to be a prophet. St. Paul states quite clearly that there are different spiritual gifts given to the body of Christ: “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord…” [1 Cor. 12: 4-5] In order for new life, new spirit, to be given to this world, we all need to play our part. Nearly half a million people have volunteered to carry out tasks in the NHS. They are offering to use their skills for the greater good. If you are isolated at home, why not pray for these volunteers? Perhaps at lunch-time or after breakfast.

Prayer is needed more than at any other time and each one of us can play our part.

Sonia's Space - a message from our Minister

Recently, I wanted to purchase a new mobile phone just for work. I thought it would be good to be able to text members of the churches as a quick and easy way of staying in touch. I tried for a good two hours and each time the screen got stuck before I could pay for the item. In desperation, I contacted the Sales Team to ask for their advice. I spoke to a gentleman who was most concerned and tried to help me as best as he could. After trying unsuccessfully for nearly an hour, he suggested that I reset my computer, clear out the computer’s cache and try again. I was basically telling the computer that I had never been on that web-site and going back to the beginning. It worked!

I wonder in this time of coronavirus whether we, as church, need to do some ‘resetting’ too. We need to forget how we used to meet up and do things. We need to find other ways of being together, making decisions, helping others. Jesus spoke of the dangers of trying to put ‘new wine into old wineskins’. [St. Matthew Chapter 9: verses 14-17]. In these days, I am trying to think how to keep in touch with you all. This blog is one way. I am hoping, by the end of the week, to set up a virtual space on Zoom, where I can speak and see others and they can see and speak to me. In these and other ways, I hope to ‘reset’ what being a church is all about.

God be with you all.


Also, a thank you letter from the Whitechapel Mission as follows:

“Please convey to the members of WMC our sincere thanks and gratitude for the gift of clothing and £250. We support our clients by providing hot meals and a sympathetic ear, help them to gain skills and confidence to prepare them to sustain a tenancy and regain their rightful place in the community. Your support is particularly welcome now and in the future as we strive to meet the constant increase in demand for the services, simple and specialised, we provide in your name”

Tony Miller MBE

Please pray for the homeless at this difficult time……

Services you can now access via TV and online and a message from Rev Sonia Hicks

Sonia’s Space

Last week, the world looked so different – we had a Circuit Service to celebrate the work of Local Preachers in our midst at Windsor Methodist Church. I looked out at the worshippers as they shared The Peace with one another using sign language and it was beautiful and awe-inspiring. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, we were not allowed to shake hands anymore but we adapted; we found another way.

I think about the Israelites as they fled from Egypt in the Bible. [Numbers Chapter 13] They were being led by a man whom God had called but who felt singularly overwhelmed by the task before him. Yet God was with them. It was God who provided manna from heaven. It was God who led them through the wilderness. God was there.

God is with us too. God is with us in our bewilderment, in our confusion, in our isolation. God is here. The same God who entered this world in the form of a small baby, is with us now. We are not alone. We are never isolated from His loving presence.

May His peace with you.


Although Windsor Methodist Church is closed temporarily our love of God and community is still strong, if anyone needs help please contact your pastoral visitor - that’s what we are here for!

In the meantime take care of yourselves, keep in touch with one another and follow government advice.

There are services being broadcast this weekend see below for details:

BBC1 is broadcasting Sunday Worship at 11:45am tomorrow morning.

Songs of Praise at 1:15pm

Live-streamed services:

Wesley’s Chapel in LondonSunday 9.45 and 11.00.
Swan Bank Methodist Church in Burslem Sunday 10.30
Methodist Central Hall, Westminster Sunday 11.00

Dear Members and Friends,

We have received the following message from our minister, Rev. Sonia Hicks:

Following Methodist guidelines, the circuit and its churches will:

Hold no services or baptisms until further notice.

Continue to hold funerals BUT limited to immediate family only.

For weddings, please speak to your minister.

Sonia and the staff are working out a strategy to cater for the spiritual needs of the circuit.  Useful information is available on the Methodist website on this link:

It includes a worship from home service. I am attaching the one for Sunday, 22nd March.

This same page includes details of  live streamed services from Wesley’s Chapel with the relevant times and the youtube link.

Churches Together in England is calling for a national day of prayer on Sunday, 22nd March.

This includes lighting a candle and putting it in your window at 7 pm. This initiative is also being supported by Thy Kingdom Come. For further information, here is the link:

The Church is now CLOSED

Apart from the funeral this Thursday afternoon and following Government advice, Windsor Methodist Church is closed with immediate effect for the next 2 weeks. This means from Tuesday 17th March, there will be no services or group meetings of any kind.

Watch this space for further updates, thank you.

Saturday 25 January - Marriage & Relationships Consultation

Message from our Supt Minister, the Rev Sonia HIcks

“In light of the decision that Conference has made on the recommendations contained in the Marriage and Relationship Report it has been decided to hold three Consultations in this Circuit. There will be an opportunity to raise any questions and to discuss in a loving and non-threatening environment. Anyone can attend any of the Consultations. These will be held in the following places and times:

·         Saturday 11 January     1pm-4pm, Windsor Methodist Church

·         Saturday 25 January  10am–1pm, High Street Methodist Church, Maidenhead

·         Monday 10 February 2pm–5pm, St Andrews Methodist Church, Slough

Copies of the report and Study Guide have been ordered for each Church Council member and I would invite you to read the report before attending the Consultations. Any questions, please contact any member of staff.”

From the Circuit Meeting - Could you be a foster carer?

Foster care

There was a short presentation on Slough Foster Care at the Circuit meeting this week, and the need for foster carers in the 23-mile radius round Slough.

Children with many differing needs are taken into long- or short-term care, depending on their circumstances.  They come from different ethnic backgrounds, and many have multiple problems.  There are insufficient houses in Slough with a spare room.  The presenters were asking for us, with our contacts in our communities, to spread the word, perhaps by displaying a banner outside. Church Councils to check whether they can help.                                                                                                                                       

Foster carers have training and are supported and paid. The need is very urgent so if you do feel called to offer such a home and care for a child please see poster/leaflets at church.