1 Ascribe to the LORD, O mighty ones, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendour of His Holiness.
Oh! The cold weather attacks these bones of mine as we slowly acclimatise to UK winter. But we were warmed these last two weeks of 2024 by the singular pleasure of our Son and his daughter being here over Christmas and thus we had a joyful time with both our grandies here in England and our grandie from SA (South Africa).
Of course the SAFA contingent were desperate for snow, and sure enough, God gave us snow, light but still snow, on their last night in England. What joy!
It reminded me of a happy time when I hiked with that eldest son into the Drakensberg mountains of South Africa. The ‘Berg’ as we call it, is a mountain chain following the east coast of SA from the north east boundary with Mozambique all the way to Cape Town.
Southern hemisphere winter is July, as I’m sure everyone knows, so in the 80s and 90s when we lived in SA, each year my Scouts and I planned a school-holiday July-hike in the hopes of seeing, and of course playing, in snow on the high ‘Berg’ peaks. Only happened twice in 20 years but still we persevered.
I remember, one year, camped at 2,900m, that our son and I walked to the edge of the escarpment at Tugela falls, on a full moon night and, sitting on the edge with our legs dangling in the void, we were filled with awe.
Picture it: Tugela Falls on the left, descending 400 metres to the plain, the Amphitheatre to our right and the valley, 500 metres below, laid out before us, stretching away some 40 miles or so to the east. A white cloud filled this wonderland, with several high peaks prodding their tops through the cloud cover.
Unbidden and simultaneously, we both began to sing “when I, in awesome wonder, consider all the things, Thou hand hath made”, and we just soaked in God’s magnificence. Who can ever say that He is not awesome and worthy of all our praise?
This winter’s cold has reminded me of those wonderful times, especially when I see the beauty of these Isles, the snow coating everything and the happiness in the children's’ faces. The sight and peace of a snowy evening, can light up joy in the heart, even though cold comes with the snow! So that was a delight on the Saturday evening and I eagerly anticipated Sunday’s Breakfast church.
Sunday, 5th January 2025, followed when I was facilitating the table discussion using the newspaper headlines at the breakfast service. Sounds easy huh? But the first trial is where to find the newspapers on a frosty, very cold Sunday morning at 08:00. Not many places are open …. but I succeeded and turned up at WMC with three papers.
Next trial was to relate the headlines to the readings of the day and the reflection prepared by Anne. The papers don’t make that so easy either! The headlines being:
• NATO warns UK of ballistic threats. PM urged to raise spending amidst fears.
• Starmer will be out of No. 10 in a year
• In the bleak of Midwinter, 14,000 extra deaths because of A & E delays
• Revealed: Minister lived in home gifted by ally of despot aunt’s regime
What a sorry saga. Not a single word of the outpouring of love by many Christians all over the world as they sought to spread Christ’s love and joy to the needy over Christmas. Makes me wonder if politicians have forgotten that they are supposed to uplift the citizens who elected them and should be creating joyful circumstance for us all? But in amongst this bleakness, we heard of many church outreaches that were following Christ’s commandment to love our neighbours, including the Thames Valley Circuit so all is not lost.
The Sunday was further uplifted as Anne Haggerty helped us to reflect on the example of Tabitha (or Dorcas) and her outreach ministry of Biblical times. That Lady, Tabitha, certainly followed our Lord’s example of helping others by making tunics and garments and giving them to others in the new church community. A lovely lady and loved by her Church.
Her sickness and death, the subject of the reading, challenged me and I asked myself, “Why should such a beautiful person get sick and die? Surely, God would want her continued ministry?”
Then came the explanation and the sense of awe about our God. Her community reached out to Peter, their pastor and disciple, calling him to the funeral but, how wonderful is God’s Hand in the affairs of believers? God performed a mighty miracle, through one of His earthly believers, to show that, “when we have trials and …. troubles everywhere, [we] can take it to The Lord in prayer”.
Peter went to the Lord in prayer, which raised Tabitha from the dead, to continue her ministry. How wonderful for her (she could go on helping others) and the church (what a powerful example of the power of prayer) and an endorsement of faith in our Almighty (Peter shows the way)?
Such readings fill us with wonder and inspire us to put aside our own doubts about the power of prayer. As we read and ponder such miracles, I wonder, how we can raise ourselves to such levels? Shall we all, in all things, “take it the Lord in prayer”?
Let’s make 2025 a year when we put aside doubts and surrender to the call of God on our lives to achieve wonders and miracles.
Let’s close with Psalm 29:11 - The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.