John Wesley preaching in Ireland (image credit: John Wesley’s House & The Museum of Methodism)

Our Mission

God is at work in you...
— Philippians 2:13

We the people of the Windsor Methodist Church believe in Jesus and seek his guidance through the Holy Spirit to:

  • Worship God and learn about Him
  • Introduce others to Jesus
  • Create a prayerful and friendly community that cares for others
  • Live in accordance with the teaching of Jesus

Our Five Year Vision

The Launch of our Vision

  • In 2014, following a series of listening meetings, a vision group was formed to create a five year vision and a one year action plan in keeping with our mission
  • The vision was launched in 2015
  • A high level summary of the four-fold vision, superimposed over the Methodist Orb and Cross can be seen above.

The four key elements of the vision, each expressed by a verb followed by a noun are:

  • Worship God 
  • Share Jesus
  • Witness Spirit
  • Inspire Community