Saturday 25 January - Marriage & Relationships Consultation

Message from our Supt Minister, the Rev Sonia HIcks

“In light of the decision that Conference has made on the recommendations contained in the Marriage and Relationship Report it has been decided to hold three Consultations in this Circuit. There will be an opportunity to raise any questions and to discuss in a loving and non-threatening environment. Anyone can attend any of the Consultations. These will be held in the following places and times:

·         Saturday 11 January     1pm-4pm, Windsor Methodist Church

·         Saturday 25 January  10am–1pm, High Street Methodist Church, Maidenhead

·         Monday 10 February 2pm–5pm, St Andrews Methodist Church, Slough

Copies of the report and Study Guide have been ordered for each Church Council member and I would invite you to read the report before attending the Consultations. Any questions, please contact any member of staff.”