Sonia's Space - a message from our Minister

Recently, I wanted to purchase a new mobile phone just for work. I thought it would be good to be able to text members of the churches as a quick and easy way of staying in touch. I tried for a good two hours and each time the screen got stuck before I could pay for the item. In desperation, I contacted the Sales Team to ask for their advice. I spoke to a gentleman who was most concerned and tried to help me as best as he could. After trying unsuccessfully for nearly an hour, he suggested that I reset my computer, clear out the computer’s cache and try again. I was basically telling the computer that I had never been on that web-site and going back to the beginning. It worked!

I wonder in this time of coronavirus whether we, as church, need to do some ‘resetting’ too. We need to forget how we used to meet up and do things. We need to find other ways of being together, making decisions, helping others. Jesus spoke of the dangers of trying to put ‘new wine into old wineskins’. [St. Matthew Chapter 9: verses 14-17]. In these days, I am trying to think how to keep in touch with you all. This blog is one way. I am hoping, by the end of the week, to set up a virtual space on Zoom, where I can speak and see others and they can see and speak to me. In these and other ways, I hope to ‘reset’ what being a church is all about.

God be with you all.


Also, a thank you letter from the Whitechapel Mission as follows:

“Please convey to the members of WMC our sincere thanks and gratitude for the gift of clothing and £250. We support our clients by providing hot meals and a sympathetic ear, help them to gain skills and confidence to prepare them to sustain a tenancy and regain their rightful place in the community. Your support is particularly welcome now and in the future as we strive to meet the constant increase in demand for the services, simple and specialised, we provide in your name”

Tony Miller MBE

Please pray for the homeless at this difficult time……