Services you can now access via TV and online and a message from Rev Sonia Hicks

Sonia’s Space

Last week, the world looked so different – we had a Circuit Service to celebrate the work of Local Preachers in our midst at Windsor Methodist Church. I looked out at the worshippers as they shared The Peace with one another using sign language and it was beautiful and awe-inspiring. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, we were not allowed to shake hands anymore but we adapted; we found another way.

I think about the Israelites as they fled from Egypt in the Bible. [Numbers Chapter 13] They were being led by a man whom God had called but who felt singularly overwhelmed by the task before him. Yet God was with them. It was God who provided manna from heaven. It was God who led them through the wilderness. God was there.

God is with us too. God is with us in our bewilderment, in our confusion, in our isolation. God is here. The same God who entered this world in the form of a small baby, is with us now. We are not alone. We are never isolated from His loving presence.

May His peace with you.


Although Windsor Methodist Church is closed temporarily our love of God and community is still strong, if anyone needs help please contact your pastoral visitor - that’s what we are here for!

In the meantime take care of yourselves, keep in touch with one another and follow government advice.

There are services being broadcast this weekend see below for details:

BBC1 is broadcasting Sunday Worship at 11:45am tomorrow morning.

Songs of Praise at 1:15pm

Live-streamed services:

Wesley’s Chapel in LondonSunday 9.45 and 11.00.
Swan Bank Methodist Church in Burslem Sunday 10.30
Methodist Central Hall, Westminster Sunday 11.00

Dear Members and Friends,

We have received the following message from our minister, Rev. Sonia Hicks:

Following Methodist guidelines, the circuit and its churches will:

Hold no services or baptisms until further notice.

Continue to hold funerals BUT limited to immediate family only.

For weddings, please speak to your minister.

Sonia and the staff are working out a strategy to cater for the spiritual needs of the circuit.  Useful information is available on the Methodist website on this link:

It includes a worship from home service. I am attaching the one for Sunday, 22nd March.

This same page includes details of  live streamed services from Wesley’s Chapel with the relevant times and the youtube link.

Churches Together in England is calling for a national day of prayer on Sunday, 22nd March.

This includes lighting a candle and putting it in your window at 7 pm. This initiative is also being supported by Thy Kingdom Come. For further information, here is the link: