A request from our District for prayers please

On Friday 19 January the Candidates Committee will be meeting, and testing the call of four members of the District, including Jon from our circuit, who have offered themselves for presbyteral ministry.   Please pray for them. Please also pray for the members of the committee who are testing that call.  This will be a long and very demanding day, so please remember all involved.

A Happy New Year!

A Happy New Year to you all!

Church Stewarding

A sincere, “Thank you” from us all to those who have signed up to help with all the Christmas services, stewarding, IT, music etc.  Christmas Day was very well attended and none of this would have been possible without your help.

Christian Aid Update

Despite the wintry weather, the Christian Aid Service last Sunday evening was well attended and an uplifting occasion. The collection for Christian Aid’s work in Kenya (including gift-aided donations) amounted to £736.50 which will be matched by the UK government. A big thank you to everyone who took part in the Service, to the many helpers behind the scenes, and to those who generously provided mince pies and other goodies for the refreshments.

We would also like to thank those who braved the cold on November 25th for the Christian Aid street collection. This raised over £500.

Foodshare Christmas request


Each Year we try to give customers a special Christmas bag. If you are able to donate any of these in the coming weeks we’d be very grateful:

Christmas pudding

Christmas cake

Mince pies (please make sure they are in date until Christmas)



Biscuits (Sweet and Savoury)


Pickles / Sauces



POSADA Advent 2017

This is the Advent celebration in which different people host the figures of Mary and Joseph, reflecting the importance of hospitality, particularly at this season of the year. It also reminds us of the journey to Bethlehem made by Mary and Joseph. If you wish to host the figures for a 24 hour period, the list is now available for you to sign, please see Pat Smith. You will receive the figures from the host person with a short (printed) prayer, it is then your responsibility to arrange the handover to the next person on the list.

A plea for volunteers to help with the Windsor Homeless Project

As the Project grows, we are looking for a growing team of people who can support us in what we are doing. We are moving into a new phase, where many of our guests our now housed, and need help and support to settle into their new home. Thank you to those of you who have already come forward to help with fundraising, marketing, and administration. We would now like to ask if anyone else could help us outside Project hours? We are currently most in need of:

1. People who can transport furniture and other household items.

2. Someone who could co-ordinate food supplies for the Project.

If you are interested in serving with this much-needed project in any way, please contact the team at wcahomelessproject@gmail.com

Lifted by the Lectionary at Advent


The first series of Lifted by the Lectionary has now concluded. Over a four-week period in October 2017, with only a tea or coffee and a biscuit, we travelled 38 years with Moses from Mount Sinai to Mount Nebo, sang psalms with King David, read over Paul’s shoulder as he wrote to the Philippians and Thessalonians, and sat in wonder at Jesus’s feet while the long-promised Messiah told us parables and told off Pharisees. The next series of four studies will start on 29th November (at a new time of 7.30pm) and will meet on Wednesdays during Advent. See the posters on the noticeboards for more details.

Image: The Trials of Moses, by Botticelli

Reading Male Voice Choir Concert

What a wonderful evening of music!  We were treated to a great selection from the RMVC and the supporting choir 'Occasions'. It was a real treat and all for the Church's outreach project - the building of a community hall, well and place of worship in Gulu Northern Uganda.

A sum of £540 was raised, many thanks to all who supported!