Harvest Festival Gifts 1 October

The church will be supporting the Whitechapel Mission with harvest gifts, the following are urgently needed:

Clothing e(new/good condition)

Men’s Underwear            
Jeans 28-36"
Men’s Trainers
Men’s Shoes
Trousers 28-34"



Sleeping bags


Baked beans

Tin plum tomatoes





Breakfast cereals









Hand/face cream



Events by Email


We are experimenting with the viability of sending announcements about church events, updates on the outreach project, and reminders by email to a mailing list. If you would like to receive these notices by email then please let us know your email address by filling in a form and handing it to a steward.

Prayer Committee


We are looking for members who would like to be part of a new Prayer Committee. This year, in light of the elevation of Prayer as significant part of our church vision, we are seeking to reinvigorate ourselves as prayerful individuals, as well as continuing to establish ourselves as a powerful prayerful community in Windsor. The Prayer Committee will seek to look after our existing prayer life as well as new prayer initiatives, such as the monthly Prayers of Concern for the World. If you would like to take part then just let any of our stewards know.

Worship Committee


We are looking for people interested in joining a new Worship Committee, and helping to address the worship and music needs of our church. Worship and music are vital part of our church vision and we would like everyone to make a contribution to our Worship & Music programme. If you would like to be involved in any capacity (this is not a call for musicians or worship leaders) then please tell any of our stewards.

Lifted by the Lectionary – a new type of Christian study


On Wednesdays during October, we are going to trial a new type of bible study: a sharing of God’s word based on the lectionary readings for the coming week. If you have sometimes struggled with hearing and understanding the scripture lessons cold on a Sunday morning, then Lifted by the Lectionary is for you. We will share our thoughts about the readings for the coming Sunday, and discuss how and why they may have been selected to go together. The series will start with a trial to be held during October on Wednesdays (4th, 11th, 18th and 25th) from 7:45pm to 9:30pm.



Wednesday 13 September 2017. 

An Extraordinary Meeting of the Church Council will be held at 7.30pm in the Falder Hall to discuss matters relating to the current lift repairs. Please could all Church Council members attend if possible. This meeting is open to everyone; there will be a chance to contribute to the discussions. If you have any queries, please contact the Church Council Secretary, Rosemary Cracknell. 

Another successful Tea Dance!

Thanks to all those who supported our third Tea Dance wonderfully lead by our own Ruth Smith.  The £250 raised will be going towards the Ugandan Community Hall appeal - THANK YOU!

A Quiz Evening to be held on Friday 8 September is our next fundraiser for this worthy cause, details to follow.

Circuit news:

In spite of the rain, Liz Tottingham completed the Thames Path Mighty Hike marathon walk last Saturday ( 29th July) .  So far she has raised £635 for Macmillan Cancer Support. She sends her grateful thanks to everyone who supported her. There is still time to donate, via the following link:   https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/LizTottingham


Request for help on the Circuit

At the Circuit Meeting last November, we heard about the work of the Slough Refugee Support (SRS) group.  As a Circuit, we made a donation, and also promised (as part of our “Hospitality” theme) practical assistance when and where we could help.  

We have now heard about two events during August, for which Keriann, who spoke at the Circuit Meeting, is asking for our help:

2nd August    -   A Play Day.  

This is a community-run event at Salt Hill Park, to which SRS contributes.  It runs from 12 noon till 4 pm for the “customers”.  Keriann is after volunteers who could go early or come at the end (or both) to assist in putting up / taking down tables, gazebos etc.  She is also seeking help with administration – such as photocopying.  There is also a “teddy-bear” event, for which she would like some NEW teddies please.

16th August    -   The Summer Party.

This annual event is held at the Slough Refugee Support Centre, next to

Salt Hill Park on the Bath Road from 1.30 pm until 4 pm.  Again, Keriann would like help beforehand with setting up from about 9.30 am – bunting, chairs, food – and clearing up afterwards.  She might also appreciate some help running the children’s games. Prior to 16th, she would welcome help with tidying the garden at the centre. Any volunteers please?

Windsor Homeless Project meeting at our church.

Friday 21 July

·         6 – 8 pm Windsor Homeless Project meeting at our Church:

Jane Deakin invites everyone to a workshop to discuss and share ideas, plans, goals and ambitions for the future of the Windsor Homeless Project. This is an exciting time in the life of WHP, they are looking to create a vision together for moving forward. Jane supports the Project, and would value your input, and hope that you will be able to attend.

Jane Deakin, Windsor Homeless Project:


Please see further details on our Church noticeboard.


Keswick Methodist Church

On behalf of Keswick Methodist Church (via Sonia)

If you are in the Lake District in July or early August, please take advantage of the offer from Keswick Methodist Church to visit Honister Slate Mine for “Mining for God” (MfG).  Details of dates, prices, booking etc can be found on our notice board.

Ugandan Community Hall Fundraising Update

Another successful fundraising event was held in the garden of Jane and Peter last weekend, a warm welcome, delicious lunch, great fellowship and all served up in wonderful sunshine. Thanks to the efforts of both Jane and Peter and all those who supported the event, we have raised another £300 for the Ugandan project.  This makes a total so far of approximately £1200 which is brilliant!  A total of £2000 is required to install a water supply to help them begin building.

Future fundraising events:

·         September Quiz Night

·         7 October Reading Male Voice Choir Concert

Dr Mike Bruton MBE

It is with sadness that we learn of the death of Dr Mike Bruton MBE.

A former Local Preacher in our circuit, we remember Mike for his

cheerfulness and for his services taken from his wheelchair, as he struggled with a debilitating mobility disease, which he had had from childhood.  Indeed, the circuit benefitted from his positive attitude and advice (for example) on how our churches could be adapted to be more friendly to those with disabilities.  Mike was Mayor of Windsor and Maidenhead in 2003-2004.  We send our prayers and sympathy to his family.

Mike’s funeral is on Thursday, 15th June at 2 p.m. at the Oxford Crematorium, Headington, OX3 9RZ.  It will be followed by a reception at St. Nicholas Church Hall, Ifley Road, Old Marston, Oxford, OX3 0PR from 3.00-5.30.  His son, Roger, hopes that the service and reception will give everyone an opportunity to celebrate his father’s life and share memories of him.

No flowers by request and donations to Muscular Dystrophy UK charity.

Tea Dance News

Last Saturday’s tea dance was a great success with 25 people taking part.  A big thank you to all those that supported or joined in the event and a big thank you to Ruth for making it such fun!  We danced, drank tea, ate scones and cake and raised a brilliant £317! The Church has already raised in excess of £800 towards the Ugandan Community Hall project!

If you missed this second tea dance there will be another – watch this space, or if you would like to be part of our lively Outreach Group please let Rev Margaret know, it would be great to have you on board.


Christian Aid week, May 14th to 20th

Christian Aid Breakfast

Dear Friends, come & luxuriate with us, enjoy a cooked breakfast and support Christian Aid after Mass at 10.30 am today:  ie Sunday 14 May at Windsor Baptist Church, Victoria Street, Windsor.  We hope to see you there!

On Saturday May 20th there will be a plant sale and coffee morningat The Rectory, 16 Parsonage Lane, from 10.15 to 12 noon. Everyone welcome.

Also that day Graham Brown is doing the Christian Aid sponsoredwalk in the Chilterns and would be grateful for sponsorship.

The sponsored Knit in April raised £515, so we have made a very good start. If your road is not covered by the house to house collection, envelopes will be available at church.


It's nearly time.............

This Saturday 13 May from 3 - 5 pm -  Our second Tea Dance! 

Come and enjoy a delicious cream tea and take part in some ballroom moves with Ruth.  Or just come along and relax with friends, dancing not mandatory!  All proceeds will go to our Ugandan project to help build the much-needed community hall so please come and support this event.  All are welcome. Tickets £5 available from Sue Trout or telephone 01753 853939.

Grace's art exhibition at Henley River and Rowing Museum

Grace's art exhibition at Henley River and Rowing Museum, 10.00am to 4.00pm on both Saturday and Sunday, 13 & 14 May 2017.

Grace is completing her Gold Artways Art Award and her final assignment is curating an exhibition she has named “River of Colour”. She is also exhibiting some of her own art, created as a reflection on the poem by Robert Minhinnick  “A Fox in the National Museum of Wales”. Grace has built a website to advertise her exhibition (with some technical assistance!). If you would like to see the website, it is www.riverofcolour.org

Grace would be deeply honoured if you could visit her free exhibition. 

Food share   -  April update

Over the last couple of months we have had an increased demand on our service.  We have raised our number of available vouchers to 45 but are struggling to meet demand. Fortunately, we have financial donations to fall back on, but would be grateful for more donations of food. 

We are currently short of meat, vegetables, baked beans, tinned pasta (eg spaghetti), jars of cooking sauce, UHT milk, rice and desserts (eg custard or rice pudding). We are also very low on sugar, coffee and squash.

We have enough stocks of cereal and dried pasta.

Thank you so much for continuing to support the scheme in so many ways.

Shirley Green