Good Friday 14 April

Come and join us in Windsor or Old Windsor for the following Churches Together in Windsor Events:

·         Old Windsor 10.30 am:  Gather by the Cross at the corner of St Peter’s Road, from where we will walk around the village, stopping at several points for an appropriate biblical verse and hymn, finishing at St Luke’s Church, St Luke’s Road, for a short Service, followed by hot cross buns and tea/coffee.

·         Windsor 12.00 noon:  Meet outside the Post Office, Peascod Street, for a short ‘Service of Witness’ where we will join friends from other Christian communities to re-enact and reflect on some of the events of Good Friday.

The humanitarian crisis in South Sudan

The humanitarian crisis in South Sudan is getting worse. More than 3 million people have been displaced, and there are acute food shortages and a lack of medical services. Christian Aid, already active in the country, has launched a fresh appeal for funds. Envelopes are available in Church for donations, however small, and more information can be found on Please pray for the people in this desperate situation.

Fairtrade Fortnight

Yes it's that time of year again!  Fairtrade Fortnight from 27 February to 12 March 2017.  

Look out for and choose Fairtrade products such as bananas, chocolate, tea, coffee and many, many more!  If it has the Fairtrade logo then you know the producers are getting a fair price and there will be NO CHILD LABOUR INVOLVED!

Serving our Church

A lot of the work needed to run our Church is carried out by a relatively small number of people.  There are several vacant posts as well as a variety of other ways for which help would be very much appreciated.  Please continue to pray for our Church and if you feel able to help in any way, please speak with Rev Margaret or any of the stewards.  Most areas of our Church life would benefit from more support.

Film Club plus

Saturday 18 February 2 – 5.30pm (please note earlier start time)

Come and watch a film followed by a delicious cream tea and watch (or take part) in some ballroom moves with Ruth.  All are welcome, please come along and support this event and enjoy!

Or come and join us at 4 o’clock for a cream tea & dancing @ £3 per person.

All proceeds from the event will go towards the Ugandan project.  

Safeguarding Important Reminder

For all those of us who were trained in 2012, we are required to attend a refresher course this year as the law now states that training has to be attended every five years.  The dates for this year are as follows:

·         Saturday 11th March – Refresher Course (Venue & Time tba)

·         Saturday 6th May – Foundation Course (Venue & Time tba)

·         Saturday 24th June – Refresher Course (Windsor Church - Time tba)

·         Saturday 7th October – Refresher Course (Venue & Time tba)

·         Saturday 11th Nov – Foundation Course (Venue & Time tba)

Pam Maunder

We are sorry to announce the death of Pam Maunder a member of this church for over 40 years until she moved away 15 years ago to be nearer her daughter. Her funeral will take place during the morning 1st February and a Memorial Service at our church on at 2 pm.  Please pray for the family and pass details of the service to all who need to be informed.

Safeguarding: important reminder

For all those of us who were trained in 2012, we are required to attend a refresher course this year as the law now states that training has to be attended every five years.  The dates for this year are as follows:

·         Saturday 11th March – Refresher Course (Venue & Time tba)

·         Saturday 6th May – Foundation Course (Venue & Time tba)

·         Saturday 24th June – Refresher Course (Windsor Church - Time tba)

·         Saturday 7th October – Refresher Course (Venue & Time tba)

·         Saturday 11th Nov – Foundation Course (Venue & Time tba)

Hot Lunch!

Saturday 14 January 12 for 12.30 at Windsor Methodist Church., all proceeds to Internally Displace People of Uganda (IDPU) project.

Please come and join us for a delicious hot 2 course lunch and to hear our speaker Dr Phoebe Abe talk about the new fundraising project the Church is involved with to help internally displaced people in Uganda.  Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier!

Tickets are available at £7 (£3 for children).  Tickets available over the next 2 Sundays or from


Congratulations to Dottie member of 7th Windsor Brownies and Flames class who won the competition for the best Nativity picture, to be used on our Christmas Services information card being delivered shortly to numerous households in neighbouring streets to near our Church.  The cards will be in street bundles in the entrance hall.  Please help by taking those you are able to deliver.

Well done Dottie!

Christian Aid News

Thank you…..

To all who joined, supported and helped with the Christian Aid (CA) Advent Service last Sunday. We were thrilled by the size, diversity and generosity of the response: over 150 people from at least 9 different churches came and donated £918.41 (including £613.05 Gift Aid). A special thank you to Marija Vranešević from ‘Philanthropy’, Serbian Orthodox Church who spoke of her work with refugees on the Serbian/Macedonian border, to James Waite – organist, Elaine Foakes who led the music, the Windsor Community Orchestra and pupils of Trevelyan & St Peter’s schools who performed & sang, to the Castle Hotel for delicious food and to Fr David who supported us all. 

Thank you from the Windsor Christian Aid Committee (contacts: or )

A further message of thanks from Sarah regarding Christian Aid:

‘A big thank you to all Christian Aid collectors who joined us in Peascod Street last Saturday. We filled the street with balloons on a bright but chilly day and raised £344.29 in 3hours!

Well done everyone’  -  Sarah

Christmas Day – caring for the lonely.

Christmas Day – caring for the lonely.  Our friends at St Edwards run a lunch on Christmas Day for anyone who would otherwise be alone.  It will be held at All Saints Parish Hall from 12.00pm until 3.00pm and includes a three course lunch, entertainment, plus a present (though regretfully no father Christmas).  This is co-ordinated by Richard Flisher (son of our late member and friend, Barbara Flisher) on behalf of the Parish and transport is also offered to and from.  If anyone knows of anyone who would like to attend this, please let one of our Church Stewards have their name, address and contact number and if they have any physical or mental limitations.  

Christmas Card Competition 2016

Are you under 20 and would you like the chance to design this year’s Church Christmas card? The winning design will be professionally printed and distributed to all our neighbours. 

Here is what you need to know:

·         The theme is the Nativity     

·         Size A4

·         Colour (pens/paint)


Deadline for entries is Sunday morning 27 November 2016.  One week left to enter!

There will be a prize for the winning card, so why not get designing!