Thought for the week by Rev'd Vicci


As we celebrate harvest time, we are reminded of God’s abundant provision in nature and in our lives. The harvest season calls us to pause, give thanks, and reflect on the generosity of God, who sustains us materially and spiritually. 

In Deuteronomy 26:10, we are instructed to present the "firstfruits" of the land as an offering to God. This passage highlights the importance of gratitude. The firstfruits were not just about crops, but about acknowledging God’s role as the ultimate giver. In the same way, as we gather our harvest today—whether literal or symbolic—we too are called to offer the best of ourselves: our talents, time, and service to others.

This harvest season also challenges us to think beyond our own blessings and consider those in need. The Methodist tradition teaches that gratitude is incomplete without action. As John Wesley famously said, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can.”

So, as we give thanks for the fruits of the earth, let us also look to how we can share that abundance with others, especially those who may not have enough. The harvest is an invitation to both gratitude and generosity, reminding us that the gifts we receive from God are meant to be shared.

A prayer for Harvest:

Loving Creator,
We thank you for the beauty and bounty of the earth.
As we celebrate this harvest time, fill our hearts with gratitude for your abundant provision.
Help us to use what we have wisely, and share it with those in need.
May we bear fruit not just in our fields, but in our lives, as we live out your call to love and serve others.

This week, let us cultivate both gratitude and generosity, living out the spirit of the harvest in all that we do.

God bless
