This Sunday’s ON-LINE PENTECOST SERVICE is at 10.30 am led by our Supt Minister, The Rev Sonia Hicks.
This week’s video from Sonia please follow this link:
A Reflection: by The Rev Dr Malcolm White
‘On Tuesday March 17th I went shopping in Tesco Windsor, then I crossed the Dedworth Road to go to the Chemist, I tripped in the small car park outside the shop. The next thing I knew the Paramedics were with me trying to stop the bleeding on my forehead, the ambulance was next to me. They could not stop the bleeding because I was on Warfarin, a Blood thinner. So, into the ambulance with the siren going I was taken to Wexham Park Hospital. The staff got to work on me immediately, 6 hours later with my head wound stitched up, and my head completely bandaged, I returned home. Then we had ‘lock down’! Churches closed the following Sunday and we were self-isolating as a family. Being an active person all my life it was not good news! Yet in fact it was a gift. I felt God in my prayer time was saying ‘Come with me, by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’ (Mark 6:31). God seemed to bid me leave my busyness, my plans, the ticking clock, the noise, the words - and to rest in God’s presence. But what would I do? An idea came to me:- My former Professor of Divinity at Cambridge University, Charles Moule, had written two books: ‘The Holy Spirit’ in 2001, and a book called ‘Christ Alive and At Large’ in 2008. He died, aged 98 in 2009 before this book was published but his nephew found his script in his loft. These two books and the Bible, together with my prayers would be my thought provoker as I reflected on this time of the Church Year. Since then we have passed through Lent and Good Friday, we have remembered that Jesus came because ‘God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16). As Paul writes, God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation ( 2 Cor. 5:19). Why? Because there had been a break-down, fracture, a wound in the relationship between God and the human race - reconciliation was needed - all reconciliations are costly. When I went into hospital my wound had to be stitched up, there were others in Accident and Emergency who had fractured bones that needed to be wrapped up to hold them together, but actually the healing process comes from the creative healing function of the living body that has been cut or broken. Jesus, in His life, showed God’s love and forgiveness, and on the cross wrapped or stitched humanity to God with Jesus’ prayer to heal the break, the wound in God’s relationship. As Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing about those who crucified him; then, Jesus’ words to the criminal who said from his cross, Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom; Jesus answered, Truly, today you will be with me in Paradise; but the healing process came from the creative forgiveness of God’s love. Now we move on to Pentecost when we remember another of the gifts of God, the Holy Spirit. Giving the disciples the ability to preach the message of reconciliation between God and people, between nations and between people with power. A Pentecost Prayer by Dennis Wrigley, slightly adapted so that we may continue the ministry of reconciliation in our generation:
Loving God may the Holy Spirit, the guide to all truth, giver of power, come upon me now. As gently as a dove or like tongues of living fire, As quietly as the summer breeze or as a mighty roaring wind. Come and dwell within me, unworthy as I am give me those gifts which I can use to Your honour and glory, that I may show forth Your fruit, even in my life. In Jesus name – Amen. Malcolm.
‘Thy Kingdom Come’ -
On-line meetings took place as planned each weekday between Ascension Day and Pentecost in accordance with the powerful initiative from Archbishop Justin Welby bringing all Christian Churches together in prayer in the hope of bringing more people to our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks to our Ministers this was a very special time for several folks across the Circuit.
Church Council Meeting -
Date for your diaries The Church Council will be holding a Zoom meeting on 11th June at 7.30 pm. If there are any issues that you would like discussed, please contact the Secretary by 31st May.
Jesus is seeking the wanderers yet; Why do they roam? Love only waits to forgive and forget; Home weary wanderer home! Wonderful love – dwells in the heart of the Father above. (Robert Walmsley, Hymns and Psalms 691)