‘Thy Kingdom Come’: message from Rev Margaret “ and VE Day memories from Roy

Hi folks - we are just about to enter the fifth year of Thy Kingdom Come but all the meetings will need to be on-line this year. Attached to Rosemary’s email is a list of prayer challenges for churches, individuals and families, and the list of Zoom invitations so that people can pray and undertake a Bible study. This year the 9-day prayer booklet is on-line but I do have some copies that can be sent to those who are not on-line; just let me know who needs them. To download the pdf of the prayer handbook follow the link below: https://www.thykingdomcome.global/sites/default/files/202004/Prayer%20Journal%202020%20C19V.pdf With every blessing - Margaret

Another lovely memory of VE Day: from Roy “Having joined the ATC aged 14 at my school (Ranelagh, Bracknell), I was involved in a V.E. Parade in Windsor starting in St Leonard’s Road and ending up outside the Castle. Other cadets including Army, Navy etc were involved and Guides and Scouts. I had joined the ATC with a specific purpose in mind as I wished to join the RAF and had heard that this would smooth the path to that goal. Whilst at Ranelagh a local concert party wanted 3 ATC cadets to take part in concerts which I duly did and when one of the tap-dancing girls was sick they found that Gwen could tap-dance and that was when I met Gwen for the first time, you might say by accident! I duly joined the RAF to do my National Service in 1947 having trained as a draftsman and was posted to Market Drayton. Roy ”

Our thanks to Roy for sharing a lovely memory of himself and Gwen!