#ClapForCarers / #ClapForTheNHS

Last Thursday Lynn, Maxine and myself took part in the #ClapForCarers / #ClapForTheNHS. At 8.00pm many people stood outside their front door (or somewhere appropriate) and showed our support for our NHS workers and carers with a round of applause. In our street this included drums, saucepans & wooden spoon, bells and a Bodhrán (Irish drum)!

Across the country thousands of people expressed their appreciation for the amazing response of our NHS staff following the unprecedented demand which has fallen on them. The praise, support, positive comments and gifts of appreciation are all fully justified and well deserved: Never before have we valued our health service so passionately?

This reminds us all that we need to value and appreciate each other. Sometimes a simple ‘thank you’ can speak volumes and affirm how grateful we are. In times of crisis when we are forced to struggle with all sorts of challenges, it is good to express our thanks to those who help us, in whatever way. However, this must not be something we only reserve for times of challenge and the unknown. We must express our appreciation at all times and demonstrate to everyone that they are valued, appreciated and loved – in the same way God values and loves you and me. “See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.” (Isaiah 49: 16).

My fear is (and I sincerely hope I’m wrong), that when we return to ‘normal’ the mammoth effort made by the NHS and many other people will so easily be forgotten. May we keep them, and all we remember and give thanks for, ‘engraved on the palms of our hands’.

Stay blessed and stay safe.

Deacon Andy Packer

And from Rev Sonia Hicks a second message:  https://www.methodistthamesvalley.org.uk/

(Circuit website)