A message from our Minister, Rev’d Vicci Davidson and more news………….

A message from our Minister, Rev’d Vicci Davidson

Brothers and Sisters

As you read about the idea for a banner later in the newsletter, you will I hope be inspired by Bab’s enthusiasm for the project. I hope that several of you will think “I could do that – it would be a fun way of using up the time/that cloth I found when I was sorting out the cupboard etc.” However, some of you may think “Why would we want to commemorate such a difficult period of time?” And you could be forgiven for thinking that – after all, most of us are deeply hopeful that the vaccines currently in development will allow for a return to as close to normality as possible as soon as possible. We miss the coffee mornings and the children’s get-togethers and the extra-special events in our lives that are not just church-related. We miss each other. The Bible is big on commemoration though. God tells his people to celebrate and remember a number of things, including of course, the escape from Egypt that we indirectly remember when we obey Christ’s command to commemorate his death and resurrection through the re-enactment of the Passover meal in our Communion services.

Like all such things, when this is over good and bad will have come out of it. The tragedy is that for some people, the bad will have involved great loss: loss of friends and loved ones, loss of work, loss of financial security, and in some cases loss of memory that may have been slowed down had normality persisted. But still this time is worth commemorating because we will have endured. Sometimes endurance is all there is, and yet within it we find God. “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” as we are told in Deuteronomy 31:8.

Over the last two weeks, there have been two suggestions for community craft projects, with last week’s knitted angels and this week’s banner. That’s probably enough for the time-being, but the underlying reason for responding to some of this in these ways is that we serve a Creator God and it is in our creativity that we see one of the ways in which we are made in his image. We can never create something as beautiful or as complex as the universe, but by responding to it in creative ways, we help each other reflect on all that God has done.

God bless, Vicci

Messy Church

In case you missed it last week ……

You are warmly invited to ‘Messy Christmas’ Saturday 12th December 2020 * at 3.45pm Join us for fun, food and Christmas activities.

Booking essential and by Sunday 6th December via the church's contact form on this website.

Please state any special dietary needs. The Risk assessment is available on the website or can be requested. (*Subject to Government guidelines in operation at the time.

Toy Service Update

As we are unable to bring toys to church for the Salvation Army Toy Appeal 2020, there are alternative ways as to how we can support them. The Salvation Army at Staines has a Just Giving page and they would love to receive donations via that means. They will then be able to purchase toys of gift vouchers for the children. If the donors could mention “Christmas Present Appeal” in the text, then it can be directed the right way.

The link is: http://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/stainessalvationarmy

You can also donate via The Entertainer Toy Store at www.thetoyshop.com and look for The Big Toy Appeal. They will then double the number of toys donated. This scheme ends on 28th November.

Christmas Angels

If you haven’t already done so, please check out last week’s message from Rev’d Vicci and have a go at knitting (or crocheting) angels to spread across Windsor this Christmas. The pattern can be found here:


or you could contact Vicci on rev.vicci@mail.com and she will send you one.

Calling all you creative folks! "

2020 has been an 'annus horriblis' - as Her Majesty once quoted - but as we would all surely feel, out of bad times; there are also good times. So, out of a socially distanced coffee group with Rev. Vicci at the table, at Windsor Methodist pre-lockdown 02, a great idea has been borne! A craft project that would involve the congregation of Windsor Methodist Church: A 'patchworkstyle' banner that would be displayed, when completed, at WMC for all to admire. Each 'patch' would be a square of about 15 cms x 15 cms (6 ins x 6 ins) would be lovingly made by volunteers from WMC's congregation and would encompass the highs and lows of 2020. Skills could include crosstitch, tapestry, applique, fabric/silk painting - in fact, possibly any medium suitable for textiles! A list of ideas would be kept centrally and as each volunteer offers to create a design, details will be kept to avoid any risk of design repetition.

For further details/explanation, please call Barbara M. "
