Dates for your diaries

Friday 4th and Saturday 5th November Volunteers needed as Action for Children have the chance of being able to hold collection @ Windsor Racecourse on at their annual Firework Spectacular shows.  Over 15,000 attendees of all ages are expected to attend which is a fantastic opportunity for us to promote Action for Children's work, locally and nationally.  If successful, AfC can have an information stand and a number of bucket collectors at the event, the event will be from 4pm to 11pm each day (exact timings TBC nearer the time).  We can only accept the slot if we get enough volunteers, so please come forward as soon as possible!  If you can volunteer an hour or two, please contact Ossie Williams

 13th November – Songs of Praise – this quarter’s songs of praise will be held on 13th November at 6.30pm.  The hymns choice slips will be available from 9th October.  Why not come, choose and sing your favourite hymn.  Please hand your choice to Margaret or a steward no later than 6th November.  Enjoy a great evening of singing wonderful hymns