Windsor Methodist closed until 2nd December, we now have a new Senior Steward!

Sadly the church and it's activities are now cancelled until the end of the current lockdown.

Worship will continue via Zoom in the meantime.

A Senior Steward has now been appointed, congratulations Alison!

A Reflection: Remembrance Sunday - by Alan

Hymn: O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home;


➢ God is our refuge and strength; a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46.1

➢ I lift up my eyes to the hills – from whence will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121.1-2

➢ This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning. Lamentations 3.21-23

➢ Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40.31

➢ What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6.8

➢ “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14:27

Words for the day: They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. Ever-living God we remember those whom You have gathered from the storm of war into the peace of Your presence; may that same peace calm our fears, bring justice to all peoples and establish harmony among the nations, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Remembrance Sunday: From 1919 until 1945, Armistice Day observance was always on 11 November itself. It was then moved to Remembrance Sunday, but since the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in 1995, it has become usual to hold ceremonies on both Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday. It is held in the United Kingdom as a day "to commemorate the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later conflicts". It is held at 11am on the second Sunday in November (the Sunday nearest to 11 November, Armistice Day, the anniversary of the end of hostilities in the First World War in 1918).

It is marked by ceremonies at local war memorials in most cities, towns and villages, attended by civic dignitaries, ex-servicemen and women (many are members of the Royal British Legion and other veterans' organisations), members of local armed forces regular and reserve units (Royal Navy and Royal Naval Reserve, Royal Marines and Royal Marines Reserve, Army and Territorial Army, Royal Air Force and Royal Auxiliary Air Force), military cadet forces (Sea Cadet Corps, Army Cadet Force and Air Training Corps as well as the Combined Cadet Force) and youth organisations (e.g. Scouts, Boys' Brigade, Girls' Brigade and Guides). Wreaths of remembrance poppies are laid on the memorials and two minutes' silence is held at 11am. Church bells are usually rung half-muffled, creating a sombre effect. (2) The opening lines of the World War I poem "In Flanders Fields" refers to poppies growing among the graves of war victims in a region of Belgium. The poppy is worn around the time of Remembrance Sunday (traditionally from All Souls' Day (2 November) until the later of; Remembrance Day (11 November) or Remembrance Sunday). In England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, the poppies typically have two red paper petals mounted on a green plastic stem with a single green paper leaf and a prominent black plastic central boss. In Scotland, the poppies are curled and have four petals with no leaf.

A Reflection by Rev'd Vicci and words of encouragement from the Bible………

A Reflection for Windsor MC: by Rev’d Vicci :

As you know, Windsor and Maidenhead Council has been in discussions with the Westminster Government about moving into tier 2, and the leadership team will let you know what this means for the church as soon as Church Council have completed their thinking. Rest assured that its members are working hard, spearheaded by our extremely competent leadership team, to make sure that whatever we do, you and your families will be kept safe.

However, as we grapple with an ever-evolving situation, I have been thinking about where something like this happened in the Bible, and the simple answer is that it didn’t – or not like this. There are of course, famously, the 10 plagues of Egypt. There are interesting theories around how they happened and how one would have naturally begotten the other: a particular unusual bloom of algae that made the river blood coloured, but also killed the fish for example. Based on our understanding of how God works, we may believe God created the plagues, or God said to Moses, such and such a thing is going to happen and I will guide you through it to freedom. In our own lives, we may have more experiences of God showing us opportunities which we are then able to grasp, rather than God making something happen. Whichever way you read it though, it is true that God through Moses, used the 10 plagues to free the Children of Israel.

As we continue to live with the restrictions that our one plague has given us, we can see the inter-connectedness of things affecting us and our loved ones, whether through the disease itself, a necessity to quarantine, financial loss, inability to attend routine medical procedures, loneliness etc. However, although I do not for one minute believe COVID-19 was caused by God, I do invite you to ask yourselves a question: as individuals, as members of the church and as members of the wider community, what might God be leading us out of and into through this experience? If God could use arguably naturally occurring plagues to lead his people out of slavery, through a wilderness period of growth and then into the Promised Land, is there a comparable journey that we are being led upon or that we could choose to go on?

This is the sort of question we can only answer for ourselves and I leave you with it as I leave you also with my prayers for a peaceful, hopeful and joyful week.

God bless


Words of Encouragement from the Bible: with thanks to Alan

Love like Jesus Jesus said ‘“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matthew 22 vv 37). The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say to them: You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy’ (Leviticus 19vv2). ‘For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous’ (Psalm 1 vv 6).

Prayer: Holy God, creator of all things and source of all holiness, we praise you for all that you provide for us materially and spiritually; we give thanks for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, who showed to us that perfect example of human love; we praise you for your Holy Spirit, who empowers us to share that love with others. We give thanks for our local Christian communities and the worldwide church to which we belong; may we praise you with one voice. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; accept our praise and adoration. Loving God, as we mediate on Christ’s commandment to love, we pray for the church throughout the world; for justice and peace between and within nations; for the communities in which we live; for people who suffer in any way; and for all those on our minds today. Amen.

ALOUD!! Sing aloud! Play aloud! It's all allowed!

ALOUD!! is the new music group for 6-12 year olds. It will be led by Revd Vicci and Kim and we will be learning to play the ukulele and also learning some fun songs to sing in church, or in a concert later on next year. You don't have to be a church-goer to come; you don't have to know how to play, we will teach you. You don't even need to have your own ukulele yet as Vicci has got six that people can borrow. Come along to this fun activity that will run fortnightly in the Falder Hall from Saturday the 7th of November between 4:30 and 5:30. The 7th will be really exciting because Katie and Lily who took part in ALOUD!! in Revd Vicci's last Circuit and were in it for five years, are coming to help out.

There will be a short break in the middle for juice and biscuits and a small charge (£1 a time) which will pay for the refreshments and for music as we go on. Come along on the 7th and have a great time!

Christmas is coming!

Message from Vicci “Christmas is coming and with Christmas, even in these times where planning is difficult and life is not normal, we must have carols. In line with guidance from the government and the Methodist Church and supported by risk assessment advice from the Royal School of Church Music, we are going to form a scratch choir which will sing at the evening Carol Service on the 20th of December. There will be some choir only songs and some standard carols which we hope that the congregation will be permitted to join in with by that point. Vicci will conduct and play from the piano and we will start to rehearse on the 4th of November. This is for all age-groups, but if children come, they must remain with their parents at all times and be comfortable in an adult rehearsal environment. Songs will be a mix of part singing and unison and lines will be taught by listening and then singing back so you don't have to be able to read music, just like to sing and want to come along and have a good time.”

A Reflection by Vicci, news of new children’s music group and a new choir to join. Exciting stuff!

A Reflection for Windsor MC: by Rev’d Vicci Davidson

“As we start to worship regularly in person again, there is a question in my mind as to whether I should write a reflection about the readings of the day, or not. Whereas it would be lovely for those who are unable to attend church, what if I want to debunk something I think is wrong but the morning’s preacher has said is right? After all, there are different ways to interpret the Bible and we each tend to think that our way is the one that is obviously correct.

It is often hard in the Christian life to accommodate these differences. I had a colleague at university who would say: “The Methodist Church should stop trying to accommodate everyone’s differing opinions and say what it believes.” But of course, what she really meant was: “The Methodist Church should stop trying to accommodate everyone’s differing opinions and agree that my ideas are the correct ones”! Isn’t that a temptation for all of us?

In Romans 14:5-6, Paul tells us this: Some judge one day to be better than another, while others judge all days to be alike. Let all be fully convinced in their own minds. Those who observe the day, observe it in honour of the Lord. Also those who eat, eat in honour of the Lord, since they give thanks to God; while those who abstain, abstain in honour of the Lord and give thanks to God.

Ultimately, we will all read and understand the Bible differently. Even with the quote above I had to check a number of translations to see which one was clearest, so how can any of us truly say that our interpretation is the only one? Perhaps in the end the truest interpretation is the one that speaks most nearly to the love of God.

As we try to make sense of changing rules around COVID-19, I am aware that some of these are also open to interpretation and it is tempting to try to force those interpretations to be more stringent or more loose dependent upon our own perception of risk. Perhaps here too, an interpretation that speaks as strongly as possible to the love of God and to our love of our brothers and sisters is the best way forward. So, we keep on cleaning our hands at every opportunity and wearing our masks and not hugging our friends because that is the loving thing to do, but at the same time, we respond lovingly and as generously as we are able to the needs of those who are lonely, out of work, fearful of the future or in other myriad ways struggling with the fallout from lockdown and partial lockdown.”

God Bless, Vicci”

ALOUD!! Sing aloud! Play aloud! It's all allowed!

ALOUD!! is the new music group for 6-12 year olds. It will be led by Revd Vicci and Kim and we will be learning to play the ukulele and also learning some fun songs to sing in church, or in a concert later on next year. You don't have to be a church-goer to come; you don't have to know how to play, we will teach you. You don't even need to have your own ukulele yet as Vicci has got six that people can borrow. Come along to this fun activity that will run fortnightly in the Falder Hall from Saturday the 7th of November between 4:30 and 5:30. The 7th will be really exciting because Katie and Lily who took part in ALOUD!! in Revd Vicci's last Circuit and were in it for five years, are coming to help out.

There will be a short break in the middle for juice and biscuits and a small charge (£1 a time) which will pay for the refreshments and for music as we go on. Come along on the 7th and have a great time!

Christmas is coming!

Message from Vicci “Christmas is coming and with Christmas, even in these times where planning is difficult and life is not normal, we must have carols. In line with guidance from the government and the Methodist Church and supported by risk assessment advice from the Royal School of Church Music, we are going to form a scratch choir which will sing at the evening Carol Service on the 20th of December. There will be some choir only songs and some standard carols which we hope that the congregation will be permitted to join in with by that point. Vicci will conduct and play from the piano and we will start to rehearse on the 4th of November. This is for all age-groups, but if children come, they must remain with their parents at all times and be comfortable in an adult rehearsal environment. Songs will be a mix of part singing and unison and lines will be taught by listening and then singing back so you don't have to be able to read music, just like to sing and want to come along and have a good time.”

Latest News and Words of Encouragement from the Bible

Christmas is coming!

Message from Vicci “Christmas is coming and with Christmas, even in these times where planning is difficult and life is not normal, we must have carols. In line with guidance from the government and the Methodist Church and supported by risk assessment advice from the Royal School of Church Music, we are going to form a scratch choir which will sing at the evening Carol Service on the 20th of December. There will be some choir only songs and some standard carols which we hope that the congregation will be permitted to join in with by that point. Vicci will conduct and play from the piano and we will start to rehearse on the 4th of November.

This is for all age-groups, but if children come, they must remain with their parents at all times and be comfortable in an adult rehearsal environment. Songs will be a mix of part singing and unison and lines will be taught by listening and then singing back so you don't have to be able to read music, just like to sing and want to come along and have a good time.”

Advance Notice:

Get your Christmas cards here! Look no further, this year we will be selling a selection of original Christmas cards to help with our depleted church funds. These will be mostly designed by our young people, professionally printed by a local printer AND delivered to your door. Card orders will be taken early in November, watch this space for further details.

Our Church is now open for Sunday Morning Services but don’t forget to book as spaces are limited:

During these difficult Covid-19 times, we can only hold our much-loved Services in our church building if we are compliant with Government legislation. Therefore, we all need to comply with the following:

• It is essential that you book your place each time you wish to attend a Service as space is limited. To book, please contact Alison by Friday evening.

• Wear a face mask. • Use the hand sanitisers provided.

• Observe the 2-metre rule at all times.

We cannot enter the building until 10.15am and then only at the direction of the stewards; they will advise you on other procedures that have to be observed. There will be no Sunday School or creche yet but children are welcome to attend the service; they must stay in their seat at all times. Alison will give further details and answer any questions you may have when you book.

Words of Encouragement from the Bible: by Alan

Paul wrote to us, ‘Therefore, my brothers and sisters, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, my beloved.’ (Philippians 4 v1-9). ‘‘Praise the LORD. O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures for ever’ (Psalm 106 v 1). Jesus said, ‘for many are invited’ (Matthew 22 vv 15).

Prayer: Almighty God, we come into Your presence with thanksgiving, to praise Your holy name. We lift Your name on high and proclaim Your greatness. We give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His love endures for ever. God of love and (3) compassion; we lay our broken world at your feet. Our world continues to be torn apart by war, fear and hate and people are oppressed by those who seek power for themselves with little thought for the needs of others. Amen. News and forthcoming events Christmas is coming! Message from

Morning Service this Sunday, a Bible Study, Quiz update and some words of encouragement.

Our first service will be led by our own minister, Rev’d. Vicci Davidson, at 10.30am on Sunday 4 October and also next Sunday 11 October.

Please note the following: It is essential that you:

• Book your place as space is limited. To book, please contact Alison on 01753 868320 or at

• Wear a face mask.

• Use the hand sanitisers provided.

• Observe the 2-metre rule at all times. You will not be able to enter the building until 10.15am and then only at the direction of the stewards; they will advise you on other procedures that have to be observed. There will be no Sunday School or creche yet but children are welcome to attend the service; they must stay in their seat at all times. Alison will give further details and answer any questions you may have when you book. For those unable to attend, the Circuit Zoom service will be available.

Rev Jeremy Hurst has offered to lead another bible study course for our church, this time on 1 Peter. There will be 4 Zoom sessions on Thursdays at 10am starting on October 15. If you would like to take part please let Graham know.

Harvest Supper Quiz:

Thanks to all who supported this fundraising event on Saturday evening via Zoom. Special thanks to our excellent hostess and quiz (3) mistress Angela, she put together a fun evening with some wide-ranging questions and a few challenging ones! Congratulations to the winning team including Janine, Mike, Pauline and Brian – you were awesome! Thanks also to Vicci for talking to us in the interval and telling us a little more about herself and her journey to Windsor. Apart from enjoying the fellowship the quiz was intended as a fundraising event and if you are able to make a donation it will be shared between helping the work of the Whitechapel Mission as we would normally do at harvest time and our own church, whose funds are now dangerously low. If you are able to contribute please make cheque payable to Windsor Methodist Church and send to our Treasurer.

Words of Encouragement from the Bible: with thanks to Alan

‘Jesus is the foundation stone’ Jesus said, ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone’ (Matthew 21vv42). Paul said ‘I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.’ (Philippians 3vv8). The Psalmist said ‘restore us O God Almighty, make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved’ (Psalm 80 vv 7)

Prayer: ‘Eternal God and Father, you are the source of all life, the fount of all wisdom, the well-spring of all grace. Your days are without end, your loving mercies without number. We depend on you: and we remember your goodness to us and to those who have gone before us. We pray for the Church. We pray for all those striving for justice. We pray for those suffering with COVID-19 and its effects. We pray for those we know and love who need our prayers. We offer all our prayers in and through the name of our living Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.’

Yes we are reopening the church!


We hope to be able to start opening the church for services on 4th October (legislation permitting). Our first service will be led by our own minister, Rev’d. Vicci Davidson, at 10.30am. There will be no Evening service.

Please note the following: It is essential that you:

• Book your place as space is limited. To book, please contact Alison on 01753 868320 or at

• Wear a face mask.

• Use the hand sanitisers provided.

• Observe the 2-metre rule at all times. You will not be able to enter the building until 10.15am and then only at the direction of the stewards; they will advise you on other procedures that have to be observed. There will be no Sunday School or creche yet but children are welcome to attend the service; they must stay in their seat at all times. Alison will give further details and answer any questions you may have when you book. For those unable to attend, the Circuit Zoom service will be available.

A Reflection: ‘Which is your best side?’ by Richard (Cracknell)

‘Recently I’ve been going through some old family photographs, trying to identify people from previous generations, and to write down who they were for the benefit of my descendants. A lot of these photographs are portraits taken in studios, as people didn’t have their own cameras in those days. Having your photograph taken back then was an event, and so you dressed up in your finest clothes and looked your best or even wore a uniform if you were in the forces. Therefore, in these photographs, my ancestors all look like fine ladies and gentlemen with well turned out children, or brave servicemen and women posing in their army or naval uniforms. They appear to be upstanding, successful, confident and fully in control of their lives. They must have had their faults, and worries and anxieties too, particularly in wartime, but none of this comes across in the photographs.

In these days of smartphones, many pictures are taken, and I have seen plenty of photos of myself looking scruffy, out of sorts, or downright miserable and definitely not the sort of image I would like to present to my descendants! But this is the way that God sees us, not turned out in our Sunday best, projecting success and confidence, but the real us, warts and all…

Psalm 139 1. You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.

2. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.

3. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.

4. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.

We often put on a front to the world where we like to appear decent, proud and confident whilst underneath we are far from perfect and have many concerns, but we try to hide these feelings and keep them to ourselves. But we can’t hide them from God, nor should we try to, God sees us as we really are with our insecurities, anxieties and our impure thoughts, yet still He accepts us, still He loves us, still He wants the best for us. It is only when we are honest with ourselves, and see ourselves as God sees us, that we can become more of the person He wants us to be...... and to present to the world an image, more like the one in whose image we are made.

In the meantime I’m off to the local studio in my best suit to get a picture taken which I hope will fool my descendants into thinking that I was upstanding, successful and confident!

Words of encouragement from the Bible with thanks to Alan:

Jesus teaches Nicodemus All great people have had their favourite texts, but this has been called ‘Everybody’s Text’. Here is the very essence of the gospel. “ For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3 vv 16). Paul reminds of the gospel basics “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5 vv 8). These echo the words of the Lord as recorded by Isaiah, “Yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken’ says the Lord.” (Isaiah 54 vv 10).

Prayer: Sovereign God, You are our light and our salvation, to You be glory and praise for ever. We thank You for the Cross and the wonder of Christ’s love for us. Anoint us with Your Spirit as you call us into Your marvellous light. May our lives bear witness to Your truth and our lips proclaim Your praise. We pray for those who are ill and for those who are struggling financially or emotionally at this time. We pray for those who are grieving as we remember those who have died.

Some good advice…..

1. Pray.

2. Go to bed on time.

3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.

4. Say, “no” to projects/activities that won’t fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.

5. Delegate tasks to capable others.

6. Simplify and un-clutter your life.

7. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.

8. Take one day at a time.

9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time, don’t lump the hard things altogether.

10. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you to do and let go of the anxiety. If you can’t do anything about a situation, forget it.

11. Live within your budget.

12. Have backups, an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps etc.

13. KMS (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.

14. Get enough exercise.

15. Eat properly.

16. Get organised so everything has its place.

17. Write thoughts and inspirations down.

18. Every day find time to be alone.

19. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud.

20. Make friends with Godly people.

21. Keep a folder of favourite scriptures on hand.

22. Laugh. Then laugh some more.

23. Take your work seriously, but yourself not at all.

24. Develop a forgiving attitude.

25. Be kind to unkind people (they need it most).

26. Talk less: listen more.

27. Slow down.

28. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.

29. Every night before bed, think of one thing you’re grateful for that you’ve never been grateful for before.

A Harvest Quiz Supper and A Reflection for Battle of Britain Sunday

Harvest Quiz Supper…….

It's not Harvest without the Fish and Chips! Did you read Vicci’s Harvest letter sent out last week? If not, please read it now. We are going to have a Harvest Quiz Supper in a totally legal, Covid-safe way.

There will be an opportunity to:

Make a donation to the church so that when we re-open there is money in the coffers to do more fun things together and fund our growth.

There will also be a chance to donate to Whitechapel Mission.

There will be prizes! There will be socialising! There will be a lot of laughter! There will be an opportunity to volunteer to be a steward (It's okay, I made that one up!).

A Reflection: Sunday 20 September 2020 Battle of Britain Sunday

Hymn: GUIDE me, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but thou art mighty; hold me with thy powerful hand.

Today we are commemorating Battle of Britain Sunday. 2020 marks the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain which took place between July and October 1940. The 15th September 1940 was officially named Battle of Britain Day as it was the day when RAF Fighter Command claimed what proved to be a decisive victory over the German Luftwaffe.

Battle of Britain Day is the name given to the large-scale aerial battle that took place on 15 September 1940, during the Battle of Britain. Battle of Britain Day is now an annual commemoration of the battle in the United Kingdom, and in Canada, the commemoration takes place on the third Sunday of September. In Sir Winston Churchill’s words: “One of the decisive battles of the war.” Churchill went on to say: “The gratitude of every home in our Island, in our Empire, and indeed throughout the world… goes out to the British airmen who, undaunted by odds, unwearied in their constant challenge and mortal danger, are turning the tide of world war by their prowess and by their devotion. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” Britain’s fate largely rested upon the bravery, determination and skill of its fighter pilots – men who were drawn from across the British Empire as well as North America, Czechoslovakia, Poland and other Allied nations.

At the eastern end of Westminster Abbey in the Lady Chapel built by King Henry VII is the RAF Chapel dedicated to the men of the Royal Air Force who died in the Battle of Britain between July and October 1940. This chapel received damage from bombs which fell during the Battle of Britain in 1940 and a hole made in the stonework has been preserved and covered with glass. The furnishing of this chapel was completed, and a stained-glass window unveiled in 1947. Later the ashes of Trenchard (RAF Chief) and Dowding (Fighter Command Chief) were interred there. Subsequently, the Battle of Britain Roll of Honour was placed in the chapel. It contains the names of the 1,497 pilots and aircrew killed or mortally wounded during the Battle of Britain.

Originally escorted by 12 Battle of Britain veterans, today the Roll of Honour Escort comprises Battle of Britain Veterans and serving Royal Air Force Junior Officers from an extant operational Squadron that fought in the Battle of Britain. Battle of Britain veterans and their families hold their own, private service in the chapel prior to the Service of Thanksgiving and Rededication on Battle of Britain Sunday.

The annual Service on Battle of Britain Sunday is held in Westminster Abbey on the Sunday on or following Battle of Britain Day (15 September), and has taken place annually since 1943.

The first bomb fell in Windsor on 23rd October 1940 close to the barracks on the site of the Hong Kong Restaurant. V1 and V2 exploded landed in 1944 locally.

Hymn: O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home.

Sir Sydney Camm: Sidney Camm was born at 10 Alma Road, Windsor in 1893. He was a British aeronautical engineer who contributed to many Hawker aircraft designs, from the biplanes of the 1920s to jet fighters. One particularly notable aircraft he designed was the Hawker Hurricane fighter.

The Air Force Memorial: or Runnymede Memorial, in Englefield Green, is a memorial dedicated to some 20,456 men and women from air forces of the British Empire who were lost in air and other operations during World War II. Those recorded have no known grave anywhere in the world, and many were lost without trace. The name of each of these airmen and airwomen is engraved into the stone walls of the memorial, according to country and squadron.

Prayer: We come together on Battle of Britain Sunday to give thanks for the dedication and heroism of members of the Royal Air Force. Their courage marked a turning point in the war, for without their bravery it is hard to see how the Second World War could have been won. As we reflect today on their gallantry and fortitude, we remember all who have served and still serve in the Royal Air Force.

ALMIGHTY God, into your hands we commend the souls of those who laid down their lives for the cause of freedom; praying that thou wouldst grant them the joys of Thy Eternal Kingdom, and, to all who mourn them, fortitude of spirit and constant faith in the power of Thy love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. LORD God our Father, we pledge ourselves to serve You and all people in the cause of justice and peace, and for the relief of want and suffering. Guide us by Your Spirit; give us wisdom, courage, vision, and hope; and keep us faithful to our calling now and always, for the honour of Your name. Amen.

Hymn: O RULER of the earth and sky be with our airmen when they fly; and keep them in thy loving care amid the perils of the air. O let our cry come unto thee for those who fly o’er land and sea. (RAF Hymn)

Our thanks to Alan for his wonderful tribute to such brave men to whom we owe so much!

A Reflection by Alan, Bible Readings & Prayers

A Reflection by Alan:

‘The New Methodist Year’ by Alan (Crowle) Hymn: ‘And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Saviours blood. Died He for me, who caused His pain. For me, who Him to death pursued. Amazing love! how can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Amazing love! how can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?

The New Methodist Year: We Methodist Christians have two ‘New Years’. This one, starting in September (and echoing the educational year), marks a new annual cycle of Church events and celebrations. This new year can pass by almost unnoticed, or be seen merely as the beginning of a well-rutted routine, now largely missing any sense of purpose or passion.

We consider how ‘the year of our Lord’ might be lived out by those who desire to be better disciples of Jesus Christ. We are challenged as Methodists to seek to bring one person to faith in Christ over the year. So, what are we going to volunteer for this year? How are we going to make a difference, to transform the world, if only our little bit of it, for good and for God, this year?

We want to respond to God’s faithfulness, we want to support those things that deepen discipleship and expand our partnering in the mission of God in the world. But as with everything else, this needs resources.

The Methodist Way of Life is a way of living. It is how we try to live our lives in response to God’s love, made known to us in Jesus. The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission.

As far as we are able, with God’s help we will worship regularly, pray daily and listen for God in Scripture, and the world. As we are learning we will care for ourselves and those around us. We will learn more about our faith and we will practise hospitality and generosity. We will help people in our communities and beyond. We will look after for creation and all God’s gifts. We will challenge injustice and we will speak of the love of God. We will live in a way that draws others to Jesus and we will share our faith with others.

We are a church that exists to help people to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care.

We are a church which is adapting in a changing world.

We are a church that is part of a larger connected community, the Methodist Connexion.

We are a church of young and old.

We are a church that takes worship seriously.

We are a church where there is room for doubt and questions.

We are a church that exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice.

We are a church that is yearning to serve it’s community.

We are a church where welcome is important.

We are a church where the welcome is for everyone.

We are a church that exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ.

We are a church with challenges.

We are a church with opportunities.

We are a church that exists to increase awareness of God’s presence and and to celebrate God’s love.

Hymn: Come, let us anew our journey pursue, Roll round with the Methodist year, and never stand still till the Master appear. His adorable will let us gladly fulfil, and our talents improve by the patience of hope and the labour of love.

Bible Readings:

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland (Isaiah 43:18-19). For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). In his heart a person plans their course, but the Lord determines their steps (Proverbs16:9). Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here (2 Corinthians 5:17). A prayer for the new Methodist year: God of love, God for all, your purposes are more beautiful than we can possibly imagine. Fill us with your Holy Spirit. Help us let go of all that holds us back. Open our lives and our churches to new seasons of humility and faith, of change and growth. Shake us up with the Good News of Jesus and show us the way. Lord, we come to you in adoration for all that you have done for us over our lives.

We pray for a new beginning to help us to bring our churches into the coming year, which will encompass everyone. We pray for all of our Churches and all who work lovingly to bring your message to all those around them. We pray that we can all have open minds and hearts for your love and the ability to spread that love throughout the world. Amen

“Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, He will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?” (Luke 12:27-28)

A letter from our new Supt Minister, The Rev Vicci Davidson

Brothers and Sisters in Christ I am writing to introduce myself to you as the new superintendent minister of the Thames Valley Circuit. In these strange times, the welcome service will be on Zoom and the opportunity to gather together afterwards for cake, coffee and the fellowship that we Methodists enjoy so much and do so well, will be missed. Neither will I get to meet you all live at your Church Council meetings which had been my intention pre-lockdown. So a letter will have to do, and I pray it does its work well.

I have moved into the Cippenham Manse and will be living there with a large, multigenerational family consisting of my husband Mark, daughters Elanor and Sophie, Son-inlaw Tommy (married to Sophie) and grand-daughter Martina. Alfie and Evie, Tommy’s other children also visit us fortnightly so we are a full house and hope to be out and about in the Circuit as is appropriate and when allowed to do so. In particular, Mark and Martina will be visiting various toddler groups as they re-open and will love to meet you all. As you probably know, I have pastoral charge of Windsor, Cookham Rise and Burnham Churches and am particularly looking forward to meeting everyone there.

The situation being as it currently is, I will be making a lot of phone calls and, where appropriate, organising one-to-one visits with as many people from those churches as possible but of course, it may be that you need an early visit, but don’t hear from me for a while because of where you are on my list. If this is the case, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Email is the best way ( or you can ring the manse telephone on 01753 536357. Please note though that I never pick up the telephone when I am meeting with somebody, so you may need to leave a message and I will get back to you.

At the beginning of Psalm 13, we hear words that may well resonate with us at this point in time: “How long O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart?”

For everyone for whom the only lockdown impact has been around seeing or not seeing friends and relatives, this will have been either difficult or even possible healing – for some people having the requirement to withdraw from social interaction will have come at a good time. Nevertheless, there have been huge ramifications. The effects of job loss, fear of job loss, reduced income, lost educational opportunities, lost work opportunities and the inability to attend routine appointments or planned surgery have all been well-documented and there will be further knock-on effects that we are still to learn about.

But the Psalmist finishes: “I trust in your unfailing love. My heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me.”

This Psalm is most likely written by David, either when in hiding from Saul or later hiding from his son Absalom. In either context, we recognise the pain and also that God kept faith with him and brought him through; as he has for us many times before, and as he will again.

As our buildings start to re-open, one of the sadnesses expressed across the Connexion is that we are not yet allowed to sing together. Perhaps we should remember the song of exile in Psalm 137 “How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?” Perhaps while so many are still in exile, worried about health, work, finances, it is appropriate that we don’t sing. But we will pass through this desert place, we will re-open our buildings, rebuild our worship and worship with songs of thanksgiving. The Bible shows us that these things happen time and again, but in the end, love wins, hope wins, faith wins and God’s people sing God’s songs in God’s sanctuary again. As we anticipate that time, I look forward with joy to worshipping with you and to exploring with you what God calls us to do next as we journey out of the desert.

God bless Vicci

A Reflection and news from our Circuit

Reflection based on Matthew 15:21-28 – ‘The faith of the Canaanite Woman’: by Kathy R

This week I have been searching the internet for some meaningful words of encouragement to say to someone who is burying the ashes of their beloved husband. I came across one piece entitled ‘This Life Mattered’. It brought to mind the Christian Aid slogan ‘We believe in life before death.’

We have become very familiar with the movement ‘Black Lives Matter’, which of course they do, as does everyone’s. Those working in the Early Years and Childcare sector are familiar with and implement the document ‘Every Child Matters’ with its five outcomes for children – be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, achieve economic well-being – outcomes that we would wish for all. But these sentiments are meaningless unless we show by our actions and our attitudes, as individuals, as communities, as societies, as nations, as members of a global family, that indeed all lives matter.

It seems to me that the Canaanite woman in the gospel story is saying in so many words that her life, her daughter’s life and that of her gentile society matter as much as the lives of the disciples, the Jews and those others who Jesus has healed. She understands so much more about what Jesus’ good news is than the disciples and the Jewish leaders, the ‘House of Israel’ to whom Jesus first preaches it.

I suggest that this is about God’s grace, available for all because we all do matter, we are all deserving of his love and blessings. We are not in a queue for God’s grace, nor is it portioned out according to our good works, or what branch of Christianity we find ourselves comfortable in, nor according to any of the barriers and divisions we make along the lines of race, colour, age, culture, gender, religion or wealth.

If each of our lives matter to God then how do our attitudes and actions reflect that others’ lives matter very much too – the lives of individuals which we show by our respect, and the lives of communities or groups of people known and unknown by acting justly. No doubt you can think of many examples where we, as people of faith, might question whether our lives here matter more to us than the lives of others elsewhere – refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants crossing continents and the sea – or in the future, as people as persistent as the Canaanite woman, raise the issues of climate change and the very life of our planet.

There is another movement that is very much in our thoughts at the moment and that is in Beirut and Lebanon where people are crying out that their lives matter. The terrible explosion has brought this to the forefront of our news for a very short time. Long-term, people there need hope and I would like to take this opportunity of promoting the work of Embrace the Middle East who have 12 Christian partners there who know first-hand how devastated the city and the country are and who provide facilities and support in the areas of education and health, (2) physical, mental and emotional. If you are wondering how you can act in this situation then I commend making a donation to Embrace (formerly the Bible lands Society and with over a hundred years of working in the region) specifically for Lebanon. This can be done through their website or sending a cheque to the organisation at 24 London Road West, Amersham, Bucks HP7 0EZ. Thank you.

Our thanks to Kathy for her very interesting and caring Reflection.

Cookham Rise is open! ‘Following the acceptance of our risk assessment, Cookham Rise is open for private prayer. The days and times are Sunday 2-4 p.m. and Wednesday 10-12 noon. If anyone is coming to Cookham for a walk then they are welcome to come in via the meadow path where someone will be to give the guidelines for keeping everyone safe - Kathy R’)

Words of encouragement from the Bible – with thanks to Alan.

Jesus wants us to have faith Jesus healed the daughter and said to her mother ‘Woman, what faith you have’ (Matthew 15 vv 28). Paul says ‘God’s purpose was to show mercy to all mankind’ (Romans 15 vv 32). The Psalmist says, ‘For the LORD bestows His blessing, even life forevermore’ (Psalm 133 vv 3)

Prayer: ‘Lord God we thank You for all there is in our world, natural and man-made. As we come into Your presence, we celebrate them and praise You for them. Speak to us Lord through all Your works. You are our rock in times of trouble. You lift us up when we fall down. All through the storm Your love is strong and sure, our hope is in You alone. In the joys, may we celebrate with You Lord. In our troubles, may we shout out to You with boldness and listen to You in faith. In the everyday, may we journey on with You. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us now and for evermore. Amen’

“Great Virtual Journey to Bethlehem”

In the light of Coronavirus restrictions, church events involving personal physical contact have been suspended. However, imaginative church members teamed up in June and July on a sponsored

“Great Virtual Journey to Bethlehem”

It’s about 3000 miles to Bethlehem and we sincerely appreciate the support of many family members and friends which enabled us to achieve our aim to travel that distance in the 2 months to 31 July 2020

This challenge encouraged participants to walk, run, skateboard, toddle, treadmill, row, roller skate, cycle, swim, or any other forward movement to enable the goal to be reached. 

A team of 28 (with an age range of 2-74) accumulated 3800+ miles and may now (tongue-in-cheek) be travelling on to the east or perhaps on their virtual way home.

Massive thanks go to everyone who took part and all those who have sponsored the event.

More than £5000 has been raised to date primarily for the 2020Vision church building project and 20% of the total raised will be donated to the local branch of Parkinson’s UK.

Sponsorship of team members is still possible by clicking on


donations may be sent to the Treasurer at 58 Allenby Road, Maidenhead, SL6 5BH

or paid directly into the church account

HSBC, Sort Code 40-31-05, Account Number 41836412

Please use GVJ followed by your name as a reference

and make cheques payable to St Mark’s Crescent Methodist Church


Christian Aid Coronavirus Appeal - Urgent Help Required

"As you may have seen on the BBC and ITN last week and from other reports in the media the Disasters Emergency Committee has launched a major Coronavirus Appeal.  Millions of lives are at stake as Covid-19 hits refugee camps and war torn countries like Yemen, Syria, Somalia, South Sudan, DR Congo, Afghanistan and the Royingha camps in Bangladesh. Many people are living in crowded camps with little access to medical care, clean water or enough food, making them extremely vulnerable to coronavirus. The virus is now spreading much more rapidly in the developing world and this is likely to become, sadly, a bigger story in the next few weeks. 

Christian Aid is one of 13 major aid agencies who are part of the DEC, along with CAFOD, Oxfam and TearFund and here in Windsor we are supporting their work raising funds for this appeal.  We know that many of you have given generously already this year but we believe it is important to get behind this appeal and ask you to consider giving generously again.

Please either donate directly to the DEC website:

Or through our own justgiving website:

Thank you for considering this appeal. 

Windsor Christian Aid Group"


Help the Children of Yemen

This week our church has sent a cheque for £250 to help Unicef, who are working on the ground in Yemen, to try and save the lives of children in this war-torn country. I expect you all have read about the terrible situation in this country, particularly now as Covid-19 is added to their woes! Shockingly over 12 million children and families are in urgent need of food, water and medical supplies. The concern is that the spread of coronavirus is likely to be devastating as only one in three people have access to running water, very few people have soap and many healthcare facilities are closed.

More than four years of fighting has already pushed Yemen and its’ health system to the brink of collapse. Two million children are acutely malnourished –


In the past we would, no doubt, have organised a retiring collection for this appeal but of course at the moment this is not possible. However, if you are able to help you can send a donation via the website:   or by phoning Unicef on 0300 330 5580

A Reflection by Deacon Andy Packer and words of encouragement from the Bible

Circuit News

A reminder that next Sunday morning’s Service will be a Circuit Farewell Service for Rev Sonia Hicks and Deacon Andy Packer. It will be at 10.30 am via Zoom.

Reflection by Deacon Andy Packer:

‘In Genesis 12: 1 we read ……… The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” For me, the key word in this passage is ‘Go.’ It gives an image of competitors at the beginning of a race waiting for the starter to shout ‘Go’! Someone being sent away and banished to the outer darkness or maybe that of ‘le tour’ (Tour de France – which would normally be taking place around now) as the crowds shout ‘aller’ and ‘allez’ (‘go’ and ‘come on’), words of encouragement.

Yet in the passage the ‘Go’ which God is directing towards Abram (he’s not renamed Abraham until Ch 17.) is a bit of both and more. Abram has been settled for many years, maybe getting a bit complacent(?), looking forward to some restful later years but God has different ideas and calls him to ‘Go’!

Committing ourselves to God’s way will always mean travel and moving on. (Tell me about it!). Not always in the physical sense but in a call to move on emotionally, Spiritually and in our faith; in our thinking and understanding of God. There are times when we find ourselves in a ‘new place’; sometimes because we have positively searched for it or at other times by accident. (Or maybe a ‘God-incident’?) The outbreak of the COVID19 pandemic has placed us all in a new place and presented us with both challenges and opportunities. How we respond to those things will affect how long we stay in that same place before we move on again.

But that is if we want to move on! Far too often we become set in our ways and the older we get the less enthusiastic we are about change and moving. (Me included!!) The danger is that we become comfortable with ‘church’ as it was 20, 50 or 70 plus years ago and have failed to notice that God has moved on. He has called the words, ‘Follow me’ and we’ve missed it! Life for Abram and others like him was never comfortable; they lived in tents with the basic essentials so they could easily move on when the time was right, allowing God to lead and direct them to the place where he needed them to be. God never wanted to be restricted to one place which is why His presence was believed to be in the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ which always travelled with the Israelites wherever they went. (You can sense God’s reluctance when Solomon wanted to build the temple?)

So, we come to that time when Sonia and I will be ‘moving on’. We will ‘Go’ to the place where we believe God is calling us to be and serve Him there. For you the challenge to ‘Go’ may not be a physical one but from September you will all be in a different place, with Vicci joining you and offering new ideas, hopes, dreams and a new direction to travel. Through the working of the Holy Spirit (2) God will open our eyes, we will see and discover the ‘new place’ and the blessings God has placed there.

I pray God’s blessing upon you all as you continue to respond to the God who says to us daily, “Follow Me.” May He give you grace and humility as together, with Vicci, you discern the journey ahead and the plan God has for Windsor Methodist Church.

Thank you all for your love, support and encouragement over the years. As we respond and ‘Go’ to our respective callings, ‘the best of all is that God is with us’. Amen!

Thank you Andy for your inspiring Reflection and Prayer for us! We will miss you and Lynn and thank you for all your love and care of each one of us.

Words of encouragement from the Bible – with thanks to Alan Crowle. Alan would have been preaching today at our Church.

Jesus sows the good seed Jesus sows the good news in our hearts “the one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man” (Matthew 13v37). Paul explains how the faith grows in us “we ourselves have the first fruits of the Spirit (Romans 8 v 23). The Psalmist asks the Lord, “O God search me, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.” (Psalms 139 v23). The Lord Almighty speaks through Isaiah, “I am the first and I am the last, apart from me there is no other God” (Isaiah 44 v 6)

Prayer: ‘We pray for the world around us; for the environment; for peace where there is conflict; for racial and social justice to be seen throughout the world. We pray for our communities; for those who are shielding; for those who are fearful, for those working for the good of others in many different ways in our community.’ Amen

And a prayer of gratitude for our beautiful Earth: ‘Thank You Holy Father for our beautiful Earth! Today we especially thank You for the blue skies, the amazing refreshing beaches, and for Your almighty power controlling the mystery of the tides. We thank You for the gift of our sight, and lift to You all those who are blind and unable to see the wonders of Your creation.’ Amen

A Reflection, Circuit News and words of encouragement from the Bible

A REFLECTION by Alan Crowle - Sea Sunday Sea Sunday is the Special Day that Churches around the world come together in spirit to remember seafarers, to pray and give thanks for the important work they do. The second Sunday of July of each year is designated ‘Sea Sunday’ by the many Maritime Christian Mission Societies. The occasion provides the opportunity for churches and their congregations to give thanks to God for the 1.2million merchant seafarers of the world and celebrate their work, reflect upon the issues that they face daily and to be reminded of the ministry that Port Chaplains provide.

Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bidd’st the mighty ocean deep. Its own appointed limits keep; Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee, For those in peril on the sea! (Eternal father strong to save)

Revelations 18 v 17: ‘Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off.’

Cruise liners are laid up around the coast. The international shipping industry is hit by travel restrictions affecting about 150,000 sailors on merchant vessels currently stranded at sea. Hundreds of crew members stranded for months in Tilbury and Bristol. Imagine a world without seafarers. In World War 2 one in four merchant seamen never returned. We depend on seafarers all the year round, as 90% of our goods by volume enter the UK by sea.

Sea Sunday Church’s is a ministry to sailors even though shipping is out of sight and out of mind. The good reasons for Sea Sunday include it being a celebration that God created the sea, that God’s own heart is for seafarers. In addition, Jesus ret in invited seafarers to follow Him.

Life at sea is dangerous and lonely, but Jesus cares as he showed that He was with the disciples when they were in danger from the storm.

It was by faith that Noah built an ark. It was the first ship, The Ship of Redemption.

Another familiar Bible story involving a ship is Jonah. Here was a man, a servant of God, he was asked to tell others about God and to go to Nineveh. But Jonah ran in the opposite direction. He knew what he was supposed to do: this was a deliberate act of disobedience. Jonah eventually realised the error of his ways and went on to be a true servant of God.

There are various Christian charities associated with the work amongst seafarers. Mission to Seafarers (formerly mission to seamen) offers friendship with Jesus through companionship in many ports around the UK. They are helping sailors stuck on ships. The Queen Victoria Seamen’s Rest (Methodist Charity) (QVSR) in East India Dock Road. QVSR started life as the Seamen’s Mission of the Methodist Church in 1843. It provides support for current/retired seamen, Ex service personnel, Homeless, QVSR welfare service resident seafarers, and help seafarers make most of their potential. QVSR will continue to strive to fulfil the aims of the original Seamen’s Mission with an ongoing programme of development and renovation to meet the needs and expectations of all its service users; seafarers and non-seafarers alike. Royal National Mission Deep Sea Fisherman ultimate aim is to improve safety for fishermen. Jesus is waiting for disciples on the beach and wherever they are.

Prayers: Let us thank God, the giver of all good gifts, for seafarers who leave their families, friends and homes to bring us the food for our table, the cargoes for industry and commerce, the coal and fuels for our country. Forgive us for not appreciating the work of key workers including seafarers and all those who are in the food supply chain. Creator and Father of all, we pray for those who go down to the sea in ships and on whom we depend. Bless them and those who long for their safe return and bring us all to your Kingdom where there is no sorrow, no tears, but joy and life everlasting, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Lord God, creator of the universe, the fertile land, the swarming sea, bless those who sail the seas to make a living and bring us the goods we need. Keep them safe from all danger. Give them faith when they doubt; hope when they despair. Almighty God, bless all who work in shipping, those who build, own, manage and operate ships. Give them generous hearts, thoughtful minds and caring hands. Grant to all who work at sea the blessings of safe ships, good food and just rewards for all their work and separation from those they love. Heavenly Father, look with compassion on seafarers who suffer as a result of war. Comfort and relieve those injured and disabled, those who have lost friends and comrades, and those who have been mentally distressed by their experiences, that they may be drawn closer to you and feel your healing presence in their lives. “We have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure while the billows roll. Fastened to the Rock which cannot move, grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love”. (Will your anchor hold)

Circuit News With churches still closed, the decision has been taken that the Circuit Farewell Service for Rev Sonia Hicks and Deacon Andy Packer will go ahead on Sunday, 26th July, as originally planned. However, it will be at 10.30 am via Zoom. The details for logging will be given nearer the time.

Words of encouragement from the Bible

• Jesus comforts His disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.” (John 14:1)

• ‘God is able to take away your anxiety and replace it with His Peace.’ (Philippians 4:6-7)

Congratulations to Rev Sonia! A video, a reflection, important forthcoming date and news update

Congratulations to Rev Sonia! At the Methodist Conference on Wednesday (1 July) The Rev Sonia Hicks was elected as the President of Conference for the Church Year 2021-2022. We join in the whole Circuit sending Sonia our congratulations and prayers.

This weeks’ Circuit video follow the link:

Forthcoming date: There will be an Induction Service for our new Minister as from September, Rev Vicci Davidson, on Thursday 3 September at 7.30pm. This will most likely be held by Zoom.

The right hand of fellowship: by Richard Cracknell

Whenever I used to greet clients at work, it was always with a traditional handshake, but when the virus first took hold, there was this period when I really didn’t know what to do. I ‘elbow bumped’ a couple of clients and ‘touched feet’ with another but this just felt like some weird Hokey-Cokey dance and was, quite frankly, plain awkward. Things have settled down now, and when we greet clients, there is no expectation of anything other than a verbal ‘Hello’ from 2 metres away.

I have heard some people say in the media, that they hope handshaking will die out altogether, I think that would be a shame, but we will definitely be shaking hands a lot less than normal for a long time to come.

The last service I took at Windsor was the last one before we stopped meeting, and I told the congregation then, that I wouldn’t be shaking any hands at the end of the service. This did make me feel rather like I was snubbing everybody though, because it is such an important way that we greet one another in the church, and we can trace this all the way back Galatians 2: 8,9 where we read Paul’s account of his meeting with three of the disciples:

For by God's power I was made an apostle to the Gentiles, just as Peter was made an apostle to the Jews. James, Peter, and John, who seemed to be the leaders, recognized that God had given me this special task; so they shook hands with Barnabas and me, as a sign that we were all partners.

The disciples must have been wary of Paul with his history of persecuting the early Christians, and it would have been quite a challenge for them to accept Paul and his ministry. And yet they do, and they seal this acceptance with a handshake. Throughout the history of the church this ‘right hand of fellowship’ has been used as an official acceptance in many ways: new members welcomed into the church, new preachers to the pulpit and new ministers to their circuits to name but a few. But also, between ourselves, a handshake is a bit more than just a greeting; it is an acceptance that we belong to each other and share a common faith and are part of a worshipping community.

The virus has denied us this normal greeting and when we do eventually meetup again there might be awkwardness as we as we try and work out how to greet each other. Perhaps it will be with an ‘elbow bump’ or maybe a ‘Namaste’ style bow (call me old fashioned, but I’ve never been that comfortable with hugging!) but we’ll find some way of expressing our sense of belonging. And we must also find a way of extending that welcome and acceptance to others who find their way to our door, even if we can’t offer them the right hand of fellowship at the moment.

News from the Circuit St Mark’s Crescent members have now reached the half-way point in their epic “Virtual Journey to Bethlehem” fund-raising project. Rosemary has attached a document giving details of their progress. We send our friends at St Mark’s our congratulations and best wishes for the second half of their journey.

A Reflection on St Peter’s Tide, a date to welcome our new minister & Churches Together in Windsor initiative

REFLECTION ON ST PETER’S TIDE (29th June) celebrated on the last weekend of June - by Alan Crowle We all know Porthleven, the most southerly port in Cornwall, even if we have not been there. Every winter there are these photos of waves breaking over the foreshore. “Thou Lord dost rule the raging of the sea, when loud the storm and furious is the gale. Strong is thine arm, our little barques are so frail, send us thy help, remember Galillee”. (Hear us O Lord). Mark 1 v 16 “Jesus saw Simon Peter and his brother casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen”

Porthleven's most recognisable building is the Bickford-Smith Institute next to the pier and harbour entrance, with a clock tower about 20m high. It is currently used as a snooker club and houses the town council offices. The Institute has a plaque to Guy Gibson VC, leader of the Dambuster Raid. Gibson was born in India, but saw Porthleven, his mother's home town, where his parents were married, as a home town as well. He visited there while on leave during the war, sometimes attending the Porthleven Methodist Church. The harbour was contructed as a port to export china clay. It then became a significant fishing port. It is now a busy holiday spot. The last Saturday in June is celebrated in Porthleven as St Peter’s Tide.

The St Peter’s Tide celebration The Annual Festival of Porthleven is held at St. Peter’s-tide where the staple industry of the village was fishing. St. Peter is the patron saint of fishermen and fisherwomen, netmakers and shipbuilders and his feast day is the 29th June. On the afternoon of the procession of the Sunday scholars accompanied by two bands and with banners waving, made a tour of the village, coming to a halt at the Recreation Ground, where tea was served to adults, and children were given a saffron bun and fruit. Peter's life story is told in the four canonical gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, New Testament letters, and other Early Church accounts of his life and death. In the New Testament, he is among the first of the disciples called during Jesus' ministry. Peter was a fisherman in Bethsaida. He was named Simon, son of Jonah or John. Peter's mother-in-law was healed by Jesus at their home in Capernaum. Jesus called Simon and his brother Andrew to be "fishers of men". Peter is often found in his boat, crossing the lake in storms, Jesus preaching from a boat, Peter walking on water for a moment but beginning to sink when his faith (2) wavers. Jesus amazes Peter and his companions by telling them to lower their nets, whereupon they catch a huge number of fish. Immediately after this, they follow him.

There is another story of large catch of fish in the resurrection story. When Jesus was arrested, Peter cut off the ear of Malchus but Jesus touched the ear and miraculously healed it. This healing of the servant's ear is the last of the 37 miracles by Jesus. A few hours later Peter denied Jesus three times. At the resurrection Peter went to the tomb. Following the great catch of fish Peter says he loves Jesus three times and promises to Feed His lambs and sheep three times. Simon Peter was twice arrested, but had miraculous escapes. Peter was the early leader of the church and he is described as "the rock" on which the church will be built. Peter suffered martyrdom in Rome where he was hung upside down on a cross.

A prayer for St Peter’s Tide ALMIGHTY God, who by your Son Jesus Christ gave to your Apostle Peter many excellent gifts, and commanded him to feed your flock. May we also obediently feed God’s lambs and sheep. How we wish our voices could ring out over all the world, telling of the great things you have done for us, praising you that we can come to you in Jesus Christ, that we can worship, honour, and thank you for all your goodness! May we thank and praise you for your working in the hearts of many people. Watch over us and continue to bless us. Amen.

“We have an anchor that keeps the soul, steadfast and sure while the billows roll. Fastened to the rock which cannot move, grounded firm and deep in the Saviours’ love”.

Forthcoming date: There will be an Induction Service for our new Minister as from September, Rev Vicci Davidson, on Thursday 3rd September at 7.30pm. This will most likely be held by Zoom.

Churches Together in Windsor (CTW) Initiative If you happen to be passing our Church, you will see a notice on the gates inviting passers-by into the garden. There are some prayers displayed in the garden and a signpost in the window of the entrance. This is in line with a CTW initiative called ‘Emerging from lock-down’. It is an attempt to show the community that although sadly all the churches in Windsor are closed, our hearts and minds are not closed to anyone. You may like to see what our friends at St Edward’s have done in their garden, and several other churches also have displays. This project was approved at the Church Council meeting earlier this month