Christian Aid Update

Our coffee morning and bring and buy sale on May 18th raised £271 and was a friendly ecumenical occasion. Thank you to all who worked hard to prepare for it, and to those who helped on the day.

Our house to house collectors and individual donors contributed a further £1393. Thank you for all your efforts and generosity.

Christian Aid Week

Thank you to all those that supported the Coffee Morning in aid of Christian Aid, there was a bring & buy stall, some delicious Indian delicacies provided by Kitty and time for fellowship over a cup of coffee. Thank you organisers and helpers, watch this space for the amount raised……………

 Messy Church on Saturday 23rd March 2019

You are warmly invited to MESSY CHURCH on Saturday 23 March at 3.45 until 5.15pm followed by tea. Join us for fun, food and activities. Bring a friend…….  

Everyone welcome – children to be accompanied by an adult.

Please RSVP for catering purposes highlighting any special dietary needs. There will be a bowl for donations towards expenses.  

We also do craft activities every week in our Sunday School. Every Sunday at 10.30 am for children aged between 3 and 17. A crèche is available for younger children. You are most welcome to join us.


A very successful pancake event

Thanks to all those that supported and helped yesterday morning, what a great event! The hall was packed with church members and our Catholic friends from St Edward’s. Many delicious pancakes were munched, new friends made and more than £200 raised for Christian Aid - a great result!

This Saturday it’s Messy Church!

You are warmly invited to Messy Church

 3.45 – 5.15pm followed by tea


 Windsor Methodist Church, Alma Road

Join us for fun, food and activities.

Bring a friend 


Everyone welcome – children to be accompanied by an adult.

Please RSVP for catering purposes highlighting any special dietary needs. There will be a bowl for donations towards expenses.



We also do craft activities every week in our Sunday School. Every Sunday at 10.30 am for children aged between 3 and 17. A crèche is available for younger children. You are most welcome to join us.


Live Nativity Wow!

Wow what a wonderful day we all had, brilliant!

Lots of lovely new visitors with lots of children, beautiful animals (thank you to Basil & Co.), very crafty and imaginative messy church activities from the messy church crew, yummy food from the catering crew and volunteer bakers, great goody bags, friendly welcomers and a beautiful stable setting for our nativity scene (thank you to the creative crew). It was so much fun on the day - PERFECT (even the rain waited)!

Christmas Wreath Workshop

Do come and enjoy a wonderful creative evening. To book your place pay Kim £20 per person which will confirm your booking. Payable by cheque to Windsor Methodist Church or cash. Please book by 2nd December.


7:30 –  9:30 pm Thursday 06 December 2018


Windsor Methodist Church

Alma Road



Parking is available in the church car park.

What is included

All instruction and materials provided. You can take home the wreath you make. Refreshments will be provided throughout the workshop.

What to bring

Secateur or garden/flower scissors. You may wish to bring an apron to protect your clothes.


£20 per person. Full payment is required to confirm your booking. Payable by cheque to Windsor Methodist Church or cash. Please book by 2nd December.


If you have any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact Kim.

Hurray - Messy Church this Saturday afternoon!

Join us for fun, food and activities.

Bring a friend

Everyone welcome – children to be accompanied by an adult. Please RSVP for catering purposesand any special dietary needs. There will be a bowl for donations towards expenses.

We also do craft activities every week in our Sunday School. Every Sunday at 10.30 am for children aged between 3 and 17. A crèche is available for younger children. You are most welcome to join us.